
Applicable on all Exchange 2016 server roles.

Discovery with the agent

Collector Type: Agent

Category: Application Monitors

Application Name: MSExchange2016MailboxServers

Global Template Name: Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - Mailbox Servers (MBS), Microsoft Exchange 2016 - Server Role - Mailbox Servers (MBS)

Version : Microsoft Exchange 2016

Pre-requisites: For Exchange server role monitors need Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

Collected Metrics

Metric NameDisplay NameDescription
MSExchange2016RPCRequestsMSExchange2016RPCRequestsRPC Operations/sec is the rate at which RPC operations occur.
MSExchange2016RPCAveragedLatencyMSExchange2016RPCAveragedLatencyWhen you use Microsoft Office Outlook in MAPI mode, Outlook executes client operations as RPCs between the client and the server. This monitor indicates the RPC latency, in milliseconds, averaged for all operations in the last 1,024 packets.
MSExchange2016RPCOperationsPersecMSExchange2016RPCOperationsPersecWhen you use Microsoft Office Outlook in MAPI mode, Outlook executes client operations as RPCs between the client and the server. This monitor indicates the current number of RPC operations that are occurring per second.
MSExchange2016DirectoryAccessLDAPSearchesPersecMSExchange2016DirectoryAccessLDAPSearchesPersecExchange responds to client requests and attempts to fulfill them as quickly and efficiently as possible. This monitor shows the current rate that the LDA
MSExchange2016RPCLatencyaveragemsecMSExchange2016RPCLatencyaveragemsecRPC Latency average (msec) is the average latency in milliseconds of RPC requests. Average is calculated over all RPCs since exrpc32 was loaded.
MSExchange2016RPCRequestsoutstandingMSExchange2016RPCRequestsoutstandingRPC Requests outstanding is the current number of outstanding RPC requests.