Resource Hierarchy

Redfish Server

  • Manager
    • Network Interfaces
  • Chassis
    • Compute System
      • Ethernet Interfaces
      • Processors
      • Drives
      • Volumes
      • Memory
    • NetworkAdapters
    • Devices
    • Power Supplies
    • Fans
    • Temperature Sensors
  • Firmware
  • Software

Supported Metrics

Click here to view the supported metrics
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsApplication VersionDescription
Redfish Serverredfish_server_APIStatisticsRedfish Server API Statistics1.0.0Returns number of API calls made on each native type for each pole.
Managerredfish_manager_HealthStatusRedfish Manager Health Status1.0.0Returns the health status of the Manager. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2).
redfish_manager_StateRedfish Manager State1.0.0Returns the availability state of the Manager. Possible states are ABSENT(0), DEFERRING(1), DISABLED(2), ENABLED(3), INTEST(4), QUALIFIED(5), QUIESCED(6), STANDBYOFFLINE(7), STANDBYSPARE(8), STARTING(9), UNAVAILABLEOFFLINE(10), UPDATING(11)
Manager Network Interfaceredfish_manager_networkInterface_HealthStatusRedfish Manager Network Interface Health Status1.0.0Returns the health status of the Manager Network Interface. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_manager_networkInterface_StateRedfish Manager Network Interface State1.0.0Returns the availability state of the Manager Network Interface. Possible states are ABSENT(0), DEFERRING(1), DISABLED(2), ENABLED(3), INTEST(4), QUALIFIED(5), QUIESCED(6), STANDBYOFFLINE(7), STANDBYSPARE(8), STARTING(9), UNAVAILABLEOFFLINE(10), UPDATING(11)
redfish_manager_networkInterface_LinkStatusRedfish Manager Network Interface Link Status1.0.0Returns the link status of the Manager Network Interface. Possible states are LINKDOWN(0), LINKUP(1), NOLINK(2)
redfish_manager_networkInterface_SpeedMbpsRedfish Manager Network Interface Speed in MbpsMbps1.0.0Returns the speed (in Mbps) of the Manager Network Interface
Chassisredfish_chassis_HealthStatusRedfish Chassis Health Status1.0.0Returns the health status of the Chassis. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_chassis_StateRedfish Chassis State1.0.0Returns the availability state of the Chassis. Possible states are ABSENT(0), DEFERRING(1), DISABLED(2), ENABLED(3), INTEST(4), QUALIFIED(5), QUIESCED(6), STANDBYOFFLINE(7), STANDBYSPARE(8), STARTING(9), UNAVAILABLEOFFLINE(10), UPDATING(11)
redfish_chassis_IndicatorLedStatusRedfish Chassis Indicator Led Status1.0.0Returns the link status of the Manager Network Interface. Possible states are BLINKING(0), LIT(1), OFF(2), UNKNOWN(3)
redfish_chassis_PowerStateRedfish Chassis Power State3.0.0Returns the Power Status of the Chassis, Possible states are OFF(0), ON(1), POWERINGOFF(2), POWERINGON(3)
redfish_chassis_powercontrol_PowerCapacityWattsRedfish Chassis PowerControl Power Capacity WattsW3.0.0Redfish Chassis PowerControl Power Capacity Watts
redfish_chassis_powercontrol_PowerConsumedWattsRedfish Chassis PowerControl Power Consumed WattsW3.0.0Redfish Chassis PowerControl Power Consumed Watts
redfish_chassis_powercontrol_AverageConsumedWattsRedfish Chassis PowerControl Average Consumed WattsW3.0.0Redfish Chassis PowerControl Average Consumed Watts
redfish_chassis_powercontrol_MaxConsumedWattsRedfish Chassis PowerControl Max Consumed WattsW3.0.0Redfish Chassis PowerControl Max Consumed Watts
redfish_chassis_powercontrol_MinConsumedWattsRedfish Chassis PowerControl Min Consumed WattsW3.0.0Redfish Chassis PowerControl Min Consumed Watts
Compute Systemredfish_computeSystem_HealthStatusRedfish Compute System Health Status1.0.0Returns the health status of the Compute System. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_computeSystem_StateRedfish Compute System State1.0.0Returns the availability state of the Compute System. Possible states are ABSENT(0), DEFERRING(1), DISABLED(2), ENABLED(3), INTEST(4), QUALIFIED(5), QUIESCED(6), STANDBYOFFLINE(7), STANDBYSPARE(8), STARTING(9), UNAVAILABLEOFFLINE(10), UPDATING(11)
redfish_computeSystem_HealthRollupStatusRedfish Compute System Health Rollup Status1.0.0Returns the healthRollup status of the Compute System. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_computeSystem_PowerStateRedfish Compute System Power State1.0.0Returns the Power Status of the Compute System, Possible states are OFF(0), ON(1), POWERINGOFF(2), POWERINGON(3)
redfish_computeSystem_IndicatorLedStatusRedfish Compute System Indicator Led Status1.0.0Returns the link status of the Compute System. Possible states are BLINKING(0), LIT(1), OFF(2), UNKNOWN(3)
redfish_computeSystem_UptimeRedfish Compute System Uptimem1.0.0Returns the Uptime (in Minutes) of the Compute System.
redfish_computeSystem_AggregateHealthRedfish Compute System Aggregate Server Health1.0.0Returns the aggregate health status of the Server Compute System. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_computeSystem_BiosHardwareHealthRedfish Compute System Bios Hardware Health1.0.0Returns the bios or hardware health status of the Compute System. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_server_system_ImlEventStatisticsRedfish Server SystemIML Event Statisticscount1.0.0Returns number of IML Event Generated for each pole on compute system
redfish_computeSystem_AverageCPURedfish Compute System Average CPUMHz1.0.0Returns the ComputeSystem Average CPU.
redfish_computeSystem_CpuPowerRedfish Compute System CPU PowerW1.0.0Returns the ComputeSystem CPU Power.
redfish_computeSystem_CpuICUtilizationRedfish Compute System CPU IC Utilization%1.0.0Returns the ComputeSystem CPU IC Utilization.
redfish_computeSystem_CpuUtilizationRedfish Compute System CPU Utilization%1.0.0Returns the ComputeSystem CPU Utilization.
redfish_computeSystem_IoBusUtilizationRedfish Compute System IO Bus Utilization%1.0.0Returns the ComputeSystem IO Bus Utilization.
redfish_computeSystem_JitterCountRedfish Compute System Jitter Countcount1.0.0Returns the ComputeSystem Jitter Count.
redfish_computeSystem_MemoryBusUtilizationRedfish ComputeSystem Memory Bus Utilization%1.0.0Returns the ComputeSystem Memory Bus Utilization.
redfish_computeSystem_Workload_10minsRedfish Compute System WorkLoad1.0.0Redfish Compute System WorkLoad
System Ethernet Interfaceredfish_ethernetInterface_HealthStatusRedfish Ethernet Interface Health Status1.0.0Returns the health status of the Compute System Ethernet Interface. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_ethernetInterface_StateRedfish Ethernet Interface State1.0.0Returns the availability state of the Compute System Ethernet Interface. Possible states are ABSENT(0), DEFERRING(1), DISABLED(2), ENABLED(3), INTEST(4), QUALIFIED(5), QUIESCED(6), STANDBYOFFLINE(7), STANDBYSPARE(8), STARTING(9), UNAVAILABLEOFFLINE(10), UPDATING(11)
redfish_ethernetInterface_LinkStatusRedfish Ethernet Interface Link Status1.0.0Returns the link status of the Compute System Ethernet Interface. Possible states are LINKDOWN(0), LINKUP(1), NOLINK(2)
Processorredfish_processor_HealthStatusRedfish Processor Health Status1.0.0Returns the health status of the Compute System Processor. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_processor_StateRedfish Processor State1.0.0Returns the availability state of the Compute System Processor. Possible states are ABSENT(0), DEFERRING(1), DISABLED(2), ENABLED(3), INTEST(4), QUALIFIED(5), QUIESCED(6), STANDBYOFFLINE(7), STANDBYSPARE(8), STARTING(9), UNAVAILABLEOFFLINE(10), UPDATING(11)
redfish_processor_VoltageRedfish Processor Voltagev1.0.0Returns the Voltage(In volts) of the Compute System Processor.
Driveredfish_drive_HealthStatusRedfish Drive Health Status1.0.0Returns the health status of the Drive. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_drive_StateRedfish Drive State1.0.0Returns the availability state of the Drive. Possible states are ABSENT(0), DEFERRING(1), DISABLED(2), ENABLED(3), INTEST(4), QUALIFIED(5), QUIESCED(6), STANDBYOFFLINE(7), STANDBYSPARE(8), STARTING(9), UNAVAILABLEOFFLINE(10), UPDATING(11)
redfish_drive_CapableSpeedRedfish Drive Capable SpeedGbps1.0.0Returns the Capable Speed (in Gbs) of the Drive.
redfish_drive_NegotiatedSpeedRedfish Drive Negotiated SpeedGbps1.0.0Returns the Negotiated speed (in Gbs) of the Drive
redfish_drive_IndicatorStatusRedfish Drive Indicator Status1.0.0Indicates the status of the Drive. Possible states are FAIL(0), HOTSPARE(1), INACRITICALARRAY(2), INAFAILEDARRAY(3), OK(4), PREDICTIVEFAILUREANALYSIS(5), REBUILD(6)
Volumeredfish_volume_HealthStatusRedfish Volume Health Status1.0.0Returns the health status of the Volume. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_volume_StateRedfish Volume State1.0.0Returns the availability state of the Volume. Possible states are ABSENT(0), DEFERRING(1), DISABLED(2), ENABLED(3), INTEST(4), QUALIFIED(5), QUIESCED(6), STANDBYOFFLINE(7), STANDBYSPARE(8), STARTING(9), UNAVAILABLEOFFLINE(10), UPDATING(11)
Memoryredfish_memory_HealthStatusRedfish Memory Health Status1.0.0Returns the health status of the Memory Components. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_memory_StateRedfish Memory State1.0.0Returns the availability state of the Memory Components. Possible states are ABSENT(0), DEFERRING(1), DISABLED(2), ENABLED(3), INTEST(4), QUALIFIED(5), QUIESCED(6), STANDBYOFFLINE(7), STANDBYSPARE(8), STARTING(9), UNAVAILABLEOFFLINE(10), UPDATING(11)
redfish_memory_OperationStatusRedfish Memory Operation Status1.0.0Indicates the Operation Status of the Memory Components. Possible states are ABSENT(0), NotPresent(1), EmptyOrNotInstalled(2), GoodInUse(3), Operable(4)
Deviceredfish_device_HealthStatusRedfish Device Health Status1.0.0Returns the health status of the Device. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_device_StateRedfish Device State1.0.0Returns the availability state of the Device. Possible states are ABSENT(0), DEFERRING(1), DISABLED(2), ENABLED(3), INTEST(4), QUALIFIED(5), QUIESCED(6), STANDBYOFFLINE(7), STANDBYSPARE(8), STARTING(9), UNAVAILABLEOFFLINE(10), UPDATING(11)
Network Adapterredfish_networkAdapter_HealthStatusRedfish Network Adapter Health Status1.0.0Returns the health status of the Network Adapter. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_networkAdapter_StateRedfish Network Adapter State1.0.0Returns the availability state of the Network Adapter. Possible states are ABSENT(0), DEFERRING(1), DISABLED(2), ENABLED(3), INTEST(4), QUALIFIED(5), QUIESCED(6), STANDBYOFFLINE(7), STANDBYSPARE(8), STARTING(9), UNAVAILABLEOFFLINE(10), UPDATING(11)
Power Supplyredfish_powerSupply_HealthStatusRedfish Power Supply Health Status1.0.0Returns the health status of the Power Supply. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_powerSupply_StateRedfish Power Supply State1.0.0Returns the availability state of the Power Supply. Possible states are ABSENT(0), DEFERRING(1), DISABLED(2), ENABLED(3), INTEST(4), QUALIFIED(5), QUIESCED(6), STANDBYOFFLINE(7), STANDBYSPARE(8), STARTING(9), UNAVAILABLEOFFLINE(10), UPDATING(11)
redfish_powerSupply_LineInputVoltageRedfish Power Supply Line Input Voltagev1.0.0Returns the input voltage of the Power Supply.
redfish_powerSupply_AveragePowerOutputRedfish Power Supply Average Power OutputW1.0.0Returns the average power output (in watts) of the Power Supply.
redfish_powerSupply_CapacityRedfish Power Supply CapacityW1.0.0Returns the Capacity (in watts) of the Power Supply.
redfish_powerSupply_CurrentPowerOutputRedfish Power Supply Current Power OutputW1.0.0Returns the Current Power Output (in watts) of the Power Supply.
Fanredfish_fan_HealthStatusRedfish Fan Health Status1.0.0Returns the health status of the Fan. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_fan_StateRedfish Fan State1.0.0Returns the availability state of the Fan. Possible states are ABSENT(0), DEFERRING(1), DISABLED(2), ENABLED(3), INTEST(4), QUALIFIED(5), QUIESCED(6), STANDBYOFFLINE(7), STANDBYSPARE(8), STARTING(9), UNAVAILABLEOFFLINE(10), UPDATING(11)
redfish_fan_ReadingRedfish Fan Reading1.0.0Returns the reading value of the Fan.
Temperature Sensorsredfish_temperature_HealthStatusRedfish Temperature Health Status1.0.0Returns the health status of the Temperature. Possible states are CRITICAL(0), OK(1), WARNING(2)
redfish_temperature_StateRedfish Temperature State1.0.0Returns the availability state of the Temperature. Possible states are ABSENT(0), DEFERRING(1), DISABLED(2), ENABLED(3), INTEST(4), QUALIFIED(5), QUIESCED(6), STANDBYOFFLINE(7), STANDBYSPARE(8), STARTING(9), UNAVAILABLEOFFLINE(10), UPDATING(11)
redfish_temperature_ReadingRedfish Temperature ReadingCelsius1.0.0Returns the reading value (in Celsius) of the Temperature.