Collector Type : Agent

Category : Application Monitors

Application Name : k8s Metricserver

Global Template Name : Kubernetes Metric Server

Collected Metrics:

Metric NameDisplay NameDescription
metrics_server.go_gc_duration_seconds_sumGo GC Duration Seconds SumA summary of the GC invocation durations.
metrics_server.authenticated_user_requestsAuthenticated User RequestsCounter of authenticated requests broken out by username.
metrics_server.go_goroutinesGo GoroutinesNumber of goroutines that currently exist.
metrics_server.manager_tick_duration_sumManager Tick Duration SumThe total time spent collecting and storing metrics in seconds.
metrics_server.scraper_duration_countScraper Duration CountTime spent scraping sources in seconds.
metrics_server.scraper_duration_sumScraper Duration SumTime spent scraping sources in seconds.
metrics_server.scraper_last_timeScraper Last TimeLast time metrics-server performed a scrape since unix epoch in seconds.
metrics_server.go_gc_duration_seconds_quantileGo GC Duration Seconds QuantileA summary of the GC invocation durations.
metrics_server.kubelet_summary_request_duration_sumKubelet Summary Request Duration SumThe Kubelet summary request latencies in seconds.
metrics_server.kubelet_summary_scrapes_totalKubelet Summary Scrapes TotalTotal number of attempted Summary API scrapes done by Metrics Server.
metrics_server.manager_tick_duration_countManager Tick Duration CountThe total time spent collecting and storing metrics in seconds.
metrics_server.process_max_fdsProcess Max FdsMaximum number of open file descriptors.
metrics_server.process_open_fdsProcess Open FdsNumber of open file descriptors.
metrics_server.go_gc_duration_seconds_countGo GC Duration Seconds CountA summary of the GC invocation durations.
metrics_server.kubelet_summary_request_duration_countKubelet Summary Request Duration CountThe Kubelet summary request latencies in seconds.
metrics_server.process_cpu_seconds_totalProcess Cpu Seconds TotalTotal user and system CPU time spent in seconds.