Set Up Alerts in Monitoring Integrations 2.0

App Failure Notifications

App Failure Notification alerts users when data collection fails due to device reachability issues or incorrect credentials. This feature prompts users to take immediate action to minimize metric graph gaps and ensure continuous monitoring.

During the application installation, users can enable App Failure Notifications on the configuration page. Enabling this option sends alerts with relevant exception messages.

If initial discovery fails (typically due to authentication issues) and App Failure Notifications is on, alerts appear on the selected “Gateway” resource. Successful root resource creation triggers subsequent exception alerts on the root resource.

Both discovery and monitoring processes generate application failure alerts for exceptions. Users may receive Critical/Recovery failure notifications for the below two cases:

  • Connectivity exception.
  • Authentication exceptions.

Alert Recovery: If subsequent discovery or monitoring processes operate smoothly, the alert will be resolved.


The application will send duplicate or repeat failure alert notifications every 6 hours.