Risks, Limitations and Assumptions

  • The integration can manage critical/recovery failure alerts for the following two scenarios when the user activates App Failure Notifications in the settings:

    • Connectivity Exception
    • Authentication Exception
  • IBM AIX will send any duplicate/repeat failure alert notification for every 6 hours.

  • IBM AIX cannot control monitoring pause/resume actions based on above alerts. Metrics can be used to monitor aix-server resource and can generate alerts based on the threshold values.

  • We have provided 22 as default SSH Port value for connecting to aix end device via SSH. Users can modify this value from the application configuration page at any point of time if required.

  • No support of showing activity log and applied time.

  • IBM AIX supports both Classic Gateway and NextGen Gateway .

  • Currently we do not have monitoring support for below:

    • Hardware metrics.
    • Programmable Resource Monitoring.
    • Processes (We provided one metric for each process RunningStatus. i.e, ibmaix_server_process_RunningStatus)
  • For log monitoring, we expect below json payload as input:

    • “Name” can be any string used to identify individual log configuration.
    • “File Name” is a combination of folder path and file name. Folder path should contain the exact path for the file as prefix. File name can be any valid string or regular expression.. In case of file not found with specified file name, alert will be generated with the severity specified by the user.
      Example 1: /var/adm/ras/Age.?t.log
      Matches: Agent.log, Ageat.log ,..
    • “Rotated File Name” is similar to filename field but specifying the rotated file. This field is optional.
    • “Expression” can be any valid string or regular expression used to specify the search string. It’s a mandatory field.
    • “Check Type” can be either “exists” or “not exists”(case insensitive). It’s a mandatory field.
    • “Threshold” can be any valid integer. Alert will be generated in case of specified threshold breach happens.
    • “Severity” used to specify the alert type to be created in case of expression found. Possible values are CRITICAL,WARNING,INFO and OK (case insensitive).
    • Atmost we can monitor only two log files including rotated file.
  • Log File configuration

        [{   "Name":"",   "File Name":"",   "Rotated File Name":"",   "Expression":"",   "Check Type":"",   "Threshold":"",   "Severity":""   }]
  • We do not process logs of size greater than 1GB.

  • We do not process logs for the first request, since it leads to performance issues due to huge data. We will consider the latest logs ( logs generated between first and second polls) from the second request and process accordingly.

  • No recovery alerts are generated for expression related alerts. You will get recovery only for file not found alerts.