Supported Metrics

The following tabs represent the Metric Category of IBM AS400

Tabbed Interface with Table
Metric NameDisplay NameUnitApplication VersionDescription
ibm_as400_subsystem_statusSubsystem Status1.0.0The status of the Subsystem. The status may be one of ACTIVE & INACTIVE
Metric NameDisplay NameUnitApplication VersionDescription
ibm_as400_asp_systemSystem Auxiliary Storage Pool Capacity AvailableGB1.0.0the amount of hard disk capacity available in your system Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP).
ibm_as400_total_aux_stgAuxiliary Storage AvailableGB1.0.0The total amount of auxiliary storage available on the system
ibm_as400_pool_sizeSystem Pool Memory AssignedMB1.0.0amount of working system memory assigned to the pool
ibm_as400_reserved_sizeSystem Reserved Pool MemoryMB1.0.0storage pool memory that is used by the system
Metric NameDisplay NameUnitApplication VersionDescription
ibm_as400_no_of_jobsNumber Of Jobs Runningcount1.0.0The number of jobs in the system
ibm_as400_subsystem_active_jobsSubsystem Active Jobscount1.0.0The number of active jobs in the subsystem
Metric NameDisplay NameUnitApplication VersionDescription
ibm_as400_cpu_usedSystem CPU Percentage Used%1.0.0Percentage of CPU resources used to process jobs currently running on the system.
ibm_as400_asp_system_usedSystem ASP Percentage Used%1.0.0The percentage of disk storage in your System ASP that is currently used.
ibm_as400_temporary_addressesPercentage System Addresses%1.0.0percentage of the possible system addresses that have been created for temporary objects on AS/400
ibm_as400_permanent_addressesPossible System Addresses%1.0.0percentage of the possible system addresses that have been created for permanent objects on AS/400
ibm_as400_current_temporaryAuxilary Storage For Temporary ObjectsMB1.0.0The amount of auxilary storage for temporary objects and machine data that are currently in use
ibm_as400_peak_temporaryPeak Temporary StorageMB1.0.0The maximum amount of auxilary storage space required for temporary objects and machine data since the last Initial program load

Default Monitoring Configurations

IBM AS400 has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business requirement by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. It is recommended to clone them before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.

  1. Default Global Device Management Policies

    You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested names in global scope:

    {appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: ibm-as400 IBM AS400 - 2 (i.e, appName = ibm-as400, nativeType =IBM AS400, version = 2)

  2. Default Global Templates

    You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template adheres to the following naming convention:

    {appName nativeType 'Template' - version}

    Ex: ibm-as400 IBM AS400 Template - 2 (i.e, appName = ibm-as400, nativeType = IBM AS400, version = 2)

  3. Default Global Monitors

    You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each Monitors adheres to the following naming convention:

    {monitorKey appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: IBM AS400 Monitor ibm-as400 IBM AS400 2 (i.e, monitorKey = IBM AS400 Monitor, appName = ibm-as400, nativeType = IBM AS400, version = 2)