Risks, Limitations and Assumptions

  • For Cluster Object Discovery and Monitoring implementation, We are considering the object which has Name equals to Cluster Name in Get-ClusterResource response.
  • For ClusterGroup monitoring implementation, We are considering the object which has Name as Cluster Group in Get-ClusterGroup response.
  • windows_cluster_group_failover_status metric’s possible instance values are 0-if there is no change in OwnerNode, 1-If there is a change in OwnerNode, 2 If no OwnerNode.
  • The integration can manage critical/recovery failure alerts for the following two scenarios when the user activates App Failure Notifications in the settings:
    • Connectivity Exception
    • Authentication Exception
  • If user enables agent monitoring templates on the Cluster/Node resource, he might see the duplicate metrics with different naming conventions.
  • If user enables same thresholds on Additional OS level monitoring metrics on both Cluster and Node, he might see 2 alerts with same details with respective metric names (i.e, Windows_cluster_system_disk_Utilization, Windows_cluster_node_system_disk_Utilization).
  • While trying to fetch the node ip address we receive multiple node ips, which will include many local ips and actual ips (example : lets say actual node ip is when trying to fetch the details we will receive two ips one associated with custer( and other is the actual ip). to identify the actual node ip address from the list of ip addresses received we are assuming that node ip address is part of the same subnet of cluster ip address. meaning if cluster ip is then node ips will be 10.1.X.X.
  • We have provided the provision to give Cluster Ip Address OR HostName in configuration, But HostName provision will work only if the Host Name Resolution works.
  • Support for Macro replacement for threshold breach alerts (i.e, customisation for threshold breach alert’s subject, description).
  • No support of showing activity log and applied time.
  • Powershell execution is not working in arm64 architecture due to which windows-failover-cluster application will not work in arm64 architecture.
  • This application supports both Classic Gateway and NextGen Gateway.