Supported Target Versions
Silverpeak orchestrator version
ECOS appliance release

Application Version and Upgrade Details

Application VersionBug fixes / Enhancements
4.0.1Support added for orchestrator version 9.3.
  • Supported discovery and monitoring support for new native type Silverpeak ECOS Disk.
  • Added support for appliance status metric and Event Polling(orchestrator and appliance alarms)
3.0.0Added support for get latest metrics, custom macros, API statistics metric and cache flush changes
Click here to view the earlier version updates
Application VersionBug fixes / Enhancements
2.0.0Since there are no metrics on disk resources, removed disks from discovery. Additionally, discovery and monitoring support for tunnels have also been removed.
1.0.0Supported the SilverPeak SD-WAN application. The resources that can be discovered in version 1.0.0 include SilverPeak Orchestrator, appliances, tunnels, disks, and interfaces.


A software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) is a more intelligent, cloud-first way to build a WAN. It improves business productivity and end-user quality of experience, accelerates business initiatives, and lowers costs. As applications continue to migrate to the cloud, enterprises are realizing that an SD-WAN is a better way to accelerate business initiatives and enable digital transformation.

Silverpeak orchestrator enables you to globally monitor performance and manage EdgeConnect (EC) appliances, whether you are configuring a WAN Optimization network (NX, VX, or VRX appliances) or an SD-WAN network (EC or EC-V appliances).


  • OpsRamp Classic Gateway 14.0.0 and above.
  • OpsRamp NextGen Gateway 14.0.0 and above.
    Note: OpsRamp recommends using the latest Gateway version for full coverage of recent bug fixes, enhancements, etc.
  • To access the silverpeak sdwan rest API’s the config parameter “csrfProtection” propert value should be set to false.

Hierarchy of Silverpeak SDWAN

Silverpeak Orchestrator
     - Silverpeak Appliance
           - Silverpeak ECOS Interface
                  - Silverpeak ECOS Disk

Supported Metrics

Click here to view the supported metrics
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameMetric LabelUnitsApplication VersionDescription
Silverpeak Orchestratorsilverpeak_orchestrator_AlarmsSilverpeak Orchestrator Alarmscount4.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Alarms
silverpeak_orchestartor_APIStatisticsSilverpeak Orchestrator APIStatistics3.0.0Returns number of API calls made to the target device for each poll for all the resources
silverpeak_orchestrator_UpTimeSilverpeak Orchestrator UpTimeAvailabilitym1.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Uptime
silverpeak_orchestrator_ActiveUsersSilverpeak Orchestrator Active UsersUsagecount1.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Active Users
silverpeak_orchestrator_BuffersMemorySilverpeak Orchestrator Buffer MemoryUsageMB1.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Buffer Memory
silverpeak_orchestrator_UsedMemorySilverpeak Orchestrator Memory UsageUsageGB1.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Memory Usage
silverpeak_orchestrator_TotalMemorySilverpeak Orchestrator Total MemoryUsageGB1.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Total Memory
silverpeak_orchestrator_FreeMemorySilverpeak Orchestrator Free MemoryUsageGB1.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Free Memory
silverpeak_orchestrator_MemoryUtilizationSilverpeak Orchestrator Memory UtilizationUsage%1.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Memory Utilization
silverpeak_orchestrator_ApplianceCountSilverpeak Orchestrator Appliance CountUsagecount1.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Appliance Count
silverpeak_orchestrator_UsedSwapMemorySilverpeak Orchestrator Swap Memory UsageUsageKB1.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Swap Memory Usage
silverpeak_orchestrator_FreeSwapMemorySilverpeak Orchestrator Free Swap MemoryUsageKB1.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Free Swap Memory
silverpeak_orchestrator_TotalSwapMemorySilverpeak Orchestrator Total Swap MemoryUsageKB1.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Total Swap Memory
silverpeak_orchestrator_SwapMemoryUtilizationSilverpeak Orchestrator Swap Memory UtilizationUsage%1.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Swap Memory Utilization
silverpeak_orchestrator_TotalHeapMemorySilverpeak Orchestrator Total Heap MemoryUsageGB1.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Total Heap Memory
silverpeak_orchestrator_UsedHeapMemorySilverpeak Orchestrator Heap Memory UsageUsageGB1.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Heap Memory Usage
silverpeak_orchestrator_CachedSwapMemorySilverpeak Orchestrator Cached Swap MemoryUsageGB1.0.0Silverpeak Orchestrator Cached Swap Memory
Silverpeak Appliancesilverpeak_appliance_AlarmsSilverpeak Appliance Alarmscount4.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Alarms
silverpeak_appliance_StatusSilverpeak Appliance StatusAvailability4.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Status
silverpeak_appliance_UpTimeSilverpeak Appliance UptimeAvailabilitym1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Uptime
silverpeak_appliance_license_DaystoExpirySilverpeak Appliance License Days to ExpiryAvailabilityDays1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance License Days to Expiry
silverpeak_appliance_CpuUtilizationSilverpeak Appliance CPU UtilizationUsage%1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance CPU Utilization
silverpeak_appliance_TotalMemorySilverpeak Appliance Total MemoryUsageGB1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Total Memory
silverpeak_appliance_FreeMemorySilverpeak Appliance Free MemoryUsageGB1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Free Memory
silverpeak_appliance_UsedMemorySilverpeak Appliance Memory UsageUsageGB1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Memory Usage
silverpeak_appliance_MemoryUtilizationSilverpeak Appliance Memory UtilizationUsage%1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Memory Utilization
silverpeak_appliance_TotalBuffersSilverpeak Appliance Total Buffer MemoryUsageMB1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Total Buffer Memory
silverpeak_appliance_CachedMemorySilverpeak Appliance Cached MemoryUsageGB1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Cached Memory
silverpeak_appliance_TotalSwapMemorySilverpeak Appliance Total Swap MemoryUsageKB1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Total Swap Memory
silverpeak_appliance_FreeSwapMemorySilverpeak Appliance Free Swap MemoryUsageKB1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Free Swap Memory
silverpeak_appliance_UsedSwapMemorySilverpeak Appliance Swap Memory UsageUsageKB1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Swap Memory Usage
silverpeak_appliance_SwapMemoryutilizationSilverpeak Appliance Swap Memory UtilizationUsage%1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Swap Memory Utilization
silverpeak_appliance_processstate_VmPeakSilverpeak Appliance Process state VmPeakUsageGB1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Process state VmPeak
silverpeak_appliance_processstate_VmSizeSilverpeak Appliance Process state VmSizeUsageGB1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Process state VmSize
silverpeak_appliance_processstate_VmRSSSilverpeak Appliance Process state VmRSSUsageMB1.0.0Silverpeak Appliance Process state VmRSS
Silverpeak ECOS Interfacesilverpeak_ecos_interface_StatusSilverpeak ECOS Interface StatusAvailability1.0.0Silverpeak ECOS Interface Status. Possible values are: up : 0 , down : 1
silverpeak_ecos_interface_InTrafficSilverpeak ECOS Interface In TrafficPerformanceBytes per second1.0.0Silverpeak ECOS interface traffic in rate
silverpeak_ecos_interface_OutTrafficSilverpeak ECOS Interface Out TrafficPerformanceBytes per second1.0.0Silverpeak ECOS interface traffic out rate
silverpeak_ecos_interface_InPacketsSilverpeak ECOS Interface In PacketsPerformancepackets/sec1.0.0Silverpeak ECOS interface packets in rate
silverpeak_ecos_interface_OutPacketsSilverpeak ECOS Interface Out PacketsPerformancepackets/sec1.0.0Silverpeak ECOS interface packets out rate
silverpeak_ecos_interface_InErrorsSilverpeak ECOS Interface In ErrorsPerformanceErrors / sec1.0.0Silverpeak ECOS Interface in errors
silverpeak_ecos_interface_OutErrorsSilverpeak ECOS Interface Out ErrorsPerformanceErrors / sec1.0.0Silverpeak ECOS interface out errors
silverpeak_ecos_interface_InDiscardsSilverpeak ECOS Interface In DiscardsPerformancepsec1.0.0Silverpeak ECOS interface in discards
silverpeak_ecos_interface_OutDiscardsSilverpeak ECOS Interface Out DiscardsPerformancepsec1.0.0Silverpeak ECOS interface out discards
Silverpeak ECOS Disksilverpeak_ecos_disk_StatusSilverpeak ECOS Disk StatusAvailability4.0.0Silverpeak ECOS Disk Status

Default Monitoring Configurations

Silverpeak SDWAN has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business requirement by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. It is recommended to clone them before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.

  1. Default Global Device Management Policies

    You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested name in global scope. Each Device Management Policy follows below naming convention:

    {appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: silverpeak-sdwan Silverpeak Orchestrator - 1 (i.e, appName = silverpeak-sdwan, nativeType = Silverpeak Orchestrator version = 1)

  2. Default Global Templates

    You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template follows below naming convention:

    {appName nativeType 'Template' - version}

    Ex: silverpeak-sdwan Silverpeak Orchestrator Template - 1 (i.e, appName = silverpeak-sdwan, nativeType = Silverpeak Orchestrator, version = 1)

  3. Default Global Monitors

    You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested name in global scope. Each Monitors follows below naming convention:

    {monitorKey appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: Silverpeak Orchestrator Monitor silverpeak-sdwan Silverpeak Orchestrator 1 (i.e, monitorKey = Silverpeak Orchestrator Monitor, appName = silverpeak-sdwan, nativeType = Silverpeak Orchestrator, version = 1)

Configure and Install the Silverpeak SDWAN Integration

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Navigate to Setup > Account.
  3. Select the Integrations tab.
  4. The Installed Integrations page, where all the installed integrations are displayed. Click + ADD on the Installed Integrations page.
  5. If you do not have any installed applications, you will be navigated to the Available Integrations page. The Available Integrations page displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
    Note: Search for the application using the search option available. Alternatively, use the All Categories option to search.
  6. Click ADD in the Silverpeak SDWAN application.
  7. In the Configurations page, click + ADD. The Add Configuration page appears.
  8. Enter the following BASIC INFORMATION:
Field NameDescription
NameEnter the name for the configuration
IP Address/Host NameIP address/host name of the target.

Example: By default 443 is selected.
CredentialSelect the credentials from the drop-down list.
Note: Click + Add to create a credential.


  • By default the Is Secure checkbox is selected.
  • Ip Address/Host Name and Port should be accessible from Gateway.
  • App Failure Notifications: if turned on, you will be notified in case of an application failure that is, Connectivity Exception, Authentication Exception.
  1. Select the following Custom Attribute:
Field NameDescription
Custom AttributeSelect the custom attribute from the drop down list box.
ValueSelect the value from the drop down list box.

Note: The custom attribute that you add here will be assigned to all the resources that are created by the integration. You can add a maximum of five custom attributes (key and value pair).

  1. In the RESOURCE TYPE section, select:
    • ALL: All the existing and future resources will be discovered.
    • SELECT: You can select one or multiple resources to be discovered.
  2. In the DISCOVERY SCHEDULE section, select Recurrence Pattern to add one of the following patterns:
    • Minutes
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  3. Click ADD.

Now the configuration is saved and displayed on the configurations page after you save it.
Note: From the same page, you may Edit and Remove the created configuration.

  1. Under the ADVANCED SETTINGS, Select the Bypass Resource Reconciliation option, if you wish to bypass resource reconciliation when encountering the same resources discovered by multiple applications.

    Note: If two different applications provide identical discovery attributes, two separate resources will be generated with those respective attributes from the individual discoveries.

  2. Click NEXT.

  3. (Optional) Click +ADD to create a new collector. You can either use the pre-populated name or give the name to your collector.

  1. Select an existing registered profile.
  1. Click FINISH.

The integration is installed and displayed on the INSTALLED INTEGRATION page. Use the search field to find the installed integration.

Modify the Configuration

View the Silverpeak SDWAN details

The discovered resource(s) are displayed in Infrastructure > Resources > Silverpeak SDWAN. You can navigate to the Attributes tab to view the discovery details, and Metrics tab to view the metric details for Silverpeak SDWAN.

Silverpeak SDWAN
Silverpeak SDWAN

Resource Type Filter Keys

Click here to view the Supported Input Keys
Resource TypeResource Type
All TypesresourceName
Silverpeak OrchestratorVersion
Silverpeak ApplianceAppliance Id
Group Id
Hardware Revision
Software Version
Silverpeak ECOS InterfaceAppliance NEPK
IPV4 Mask
IPV4 Dhcp
Silverpeak ECOS DiskAppliance NEPK
Is Removable

Supported Alert Custom Macros

Customize the alert subject and description with below macros then it will generate alert based on customisation.
Supported macros keys:

Click here to view the alert subject and description with macros














                                ${Custom attributes on the resource}

Risks, Limitations And Assumptions

  • Application can handle Critical/Recovery failure notifications for below two cases when user enables App Failure Notifications in configuration
    • Connectivity Exception
    • Authentication Exception
  • Silverpeak SDWAN will not send any duplicate/repeat failure alert notification until the already existing critical alert is recovered.
  • Using metrics for monitoring the resources and generating alerts when the threshold values are breached.
  • Silverpeak SDWAN cannot control monitoring pause/resume actions based on above alerts.
  • Macro replacement limitation (i.e, customization of threshold breach alert subject, description).
  • Silverpeak SDWAN supports both Classic Gateway and NextGen Gateway.
  • Not supported with Cluster Gateway.
  • No support of showing applied time on templates.
  • Orchestrator and Appliance Event Polling will be started only if user enables Event Polling in configuration.
  • Possible values of Alert Severity Filter configuration property are MINOR, WARNING, MAJOR, CRITICAL. By default in the Alert Severity Filter we are giving MAJOR and CRITICAL only.
  • We have given sample mappings to map Orchestrator and Appliance severites with OpsRamp Severities as part of Alert Severity Mapping configuration filed. User can modify them as per their use-case at any point of time from app configuration page. Possible Severities are Critical, Warning, Ok, Info.