Supported Metrics

The following tabs represent the Metric Category of NetApp ONTAP

Tabbed Interface with Table
No category
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsApplication VersionDescription
NetApp Clusternetapp_cluster_ClusterPeerStatusNetApp Cluster Peer Cluster Status1.0.1Returns the state of the peer cluster. Possible states are available, partial, unavailable, pending, unidentified
netapp_cluster_snapmirror_StateNetApp Cluster SnapMirror State1.0.1SnapMirror state.Possible states are broken_off, paused, snapmirrored, uninitialized, in_sync, out_of_sync, synchronizing
netapp_cluster_hardware_HealthStatusNetApp Cluster Hardware Health Status1.0.1Returns the status of the Hardware Components of the Cluster. Possible states are unknown(0), unreachable(1), degraded(2), ok-with-suppressed(3) and ok(4)
netapp_cluster_snapshot_restoreStatusNetApp Cluster SnapShot Restore Status6.0.0Set to true to create a relationship for restore. To trigger restore-transfer, use transfers POST on the restore relationship. SnapMirror relationships with the policy type async can be restored. SnapMirror relationships with the policy type sync cannot be restored. possible values are TRUE : 0 and FALSE : 1
netapp_cluster_snapshot_healthStatusNetApp Cluster SnapShot Health Status6.0.0Is the relationship healthy status. possible values are TRUE : 0 and FALSE : 1
netapp_cluster_snapshot_transferStateNetApp Cluster SnapShot Transfer State6.0.0NetApp SnapShot Transfer State. possible values are TRUE : 0 and FALSE : 1
netapp_cluster_nvram_batteryStatusNetapp Cluster System NVRam Battery Status6.0.0provides Status of the NVRAM battery, possible value are BATTERY_OK (1),BATTERY_PARTIALLY_DISCHARGED (2),BATTERY_FULLY_DISCHARGED (3),BATTERY_NOT_PRESENT (4), BATTERY_NEAR_END_OF_LIFE (5), BATTERY_AT_END_OF_LIFE (6),BATTERY_UNKNOWN (7), BATTERY_OVER_CHARGED (8), BATTERY_FULLY_CHARGED (9),UNDEFINED (10)
NetApp Cluster Nodenetapp_node_UpTimeNetApp Cluster Node UpTimes1.0.1Total time in seconds that the node has been up
netapp_node_StateNetApp Cluster Node State1.0.1State of the Node. Possible states are up, booting, down, taken_over, waiting_for_giveback, degraded, unknown
netapp_node_FrusStateNetApp Cluster Node Frus State1.0.1State of List of FRUs on the node.Possible values are ok(1), error(0)
netapp_node_ServiceProcessorStateNetApp Cluster Node ServiceProcessor State1.0.1State of the service processor on the node.Possible states are online, offline, degraded, rebooting, unknown, updating, node_offline, sp_daemon_offline
netapp_node_ServiceProcessorLinkStatusNetApp Cluster Node ServiceProcessor Link Status1.0.1Service Processor Link status on the Node.Possible states are up, down, disabled, unknown
netapp_node_HaPortStateNetApp Cluster Node HA Port State1.0.1Node HA Port State.Possible states are down, initialized, armed, active, reserved
netapp_node_TakeOverStateNetApp Cluster Node TakeOver State1.0.1Represents the state of the node that is taking over storage from its HA partner
netapp_node_GiveBackStateNetApp Cluster Node GiveBack State1.0.1Represents the state of the node that is giving storage back to its HA partner
NetApp Storage Aggregatenetapp_aggregate_StateNetApp Cluster Aggregate State1.0.1operational State of the Aggregate. Possible states are online, onlining, offline, offlining, relocating, unmounted, restricted, inconsistent, failed, unknown
netapp_aggregate_MirrorStateNetApp Cluster Aggregate Mirror state1.0.1Aggregate Mirror State. Possible states are unmirrored, normal, degraded, resynchronizing, failed
netapp_aggregate_DiskCountNetApp Cluster Aggregate Disk Countcount1.0.1Number of disks used in the aggregate. This includes parity disks, but excludes disks in the hybrid cache
netapp_aggregate_raidStatusNetapp Cluster Aggregate Raid Status6.0.0Netapp Cluster Aggregate Raid Status, possible values are copying (1),degraded (2),foreign(3),growing (4),initializing (5),invalid (6),ironing (7),mirror degraded (8),mirrored (9),needs check (10),normal (11),noparity (12),out-of-date (13),partial (14),reconstruct (15),raid0 (16),raid4 (17),raid_dp (18),mixed_raid_type (19),resyncing (20),snapmirrored (21),verifying (22),various (23) and undefined (24)
NetApp Storage Disknetapp_disk_StateNetApp Cluster Disk State1.0.1NetApp Cluster Disk State
NetApp Storage FC Portnetapp_fcp_StateNetApp Cluster FC Port State1.0.1FC Port State.Possible states are startup, link_not_connected, online, link_disconnected, offlined_by_user, offlined_by_system, node_offline, unknown
netapp_fcp_IsAdministrativeUpNetApp Cluster FC Port Administratice Status1.0.1Number of other operations performed on cluster. Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups and so on
NetApp Storage Ethernet Portnetapp_ethernet_port_StateNetApp Cluster Net Port State1.0.1Net-Port Status. Possible states are up, down
netapp_ethernet_port_LinkDownCountNetApp Cluster Net Port Link Down Countcount1.0.1The number of link state changes from up to down seen on the device
netapp_ethernet_port_IsAdministrativeUpNetApp Cluster Net Port Administrative Status1.0.1Administrative status of the Port
NetApp Storage FC Interfacenetapp_fc_interface_StateNetApp Cluster FC Interface State1.0.1The current operational state of the FC interface. The state is set to down if the interface is not enabled.If the node hosting the port is down or unavailable, no state value is returned.
netapp_fc_interface_IsAdministrativeUpNetApp Cluster FC Interface Administratice Status1.0.1The administrative state of the FC interface. The FC interface can be disabled to block all FC communication with the SVM through this interface
NetApp Storage Volumenetapp_volume_CompressionStateNetApp Cluster Volume Compression State1.0.1The system can be enabled/disabled compression. Possible states are inline, background, both, none and mixed
netapp_volume_DeduplicationStateNetApp Cluster Volume Deduplication State1.0.1The system can be enabled/disabled dedupe. Possible states are inline, background, both, none and mixed
netapp_volume_CrossVolumeDeduplicationStateNetApp Cluster Volume Cross Voume Deduplication State1.0.1The system can be enabled/disabled cross volume dedupe. it can be enabled only when dedupe is enabled. Possible states are inline, background, both, none, mixed
netapp_volume_CompactionStateNetApp Cluster Volume Compaction State1.0.1The system can be enabled/disabled compaction. Possible states are inline, none, mixed
netapp_volume_QuotaStateNetApp Cluster Volume Quota State1.0.1Quota state of the volume. Possible states are corrupt, initializing, mixed, off, on, resizing
netapp_volume_StateNetApp Cluster Volume State1.0.1State of the volume. Possible states are error, mixed, offline, online
NetApp Storage Lunnetapp_lun_StateNetApp Cluster LUN State1.0.1The state of the LUN. Normal states for a LUN are online and offline. Other states indicate errors.Possible states are foreign_lun_error, nvfail, offline, online, space_error
NetApp Storage Portnetapp_port_StatusNetApp Cluster Storage Port Status1.0.1Storage Port Status, Possible status are error(0), online(1) and offline(2)
NetApp Storage Shelfnetapp_shelf_StateNetApp Hardware Shelf State1.0.1Returns the status of the Shelf. Possible states are unknown(0), error(1) and ok(2)
netapp_shelf_PortStatusNetApp Hardware Shelf Port Status1.0.1Returns the status of the Ports associated with the shelf. Possible states are disconnected(0), error(1) and connected(2)
NetApp Remote Clusternetapp_cluster_metrocluster_ConfigurationStateNetApp Cluster MetroCluster Configuration State1.0.1Indicates the state of the local cluster configuration.Possible states are configuration_error, configured, not_configured, not_reachable, partially_configured, unknown
netapp_cluster_metrocluster_IsPartnerClusterReachableNetApp Cluster MetroCluster Partner Cluster Reachability1.0.1Specifies whether the partner cluster is reachable from the local cluster.
NetApp Remote Cluster Nodenetapp_remote_node_UpTimeNetApp Remote Cluster Node UpTimes1.0.1Total time in seconds that the node has been up
netapp_remote_node_StateNetApp Remote Cluster Node State1.0.1State of the Node. Possible states are up, booting, down, taken_over, waiting_for_giveback, degraded, unknown
netapp_remote_node_FrusStateNetApp Remote Cluster Node Frus State1.0.1State of List of FRUs on the node.Possible values are ok(1), error(0)
netapp_remote_node_ServiceProcessorStateNetApp Remote Cluster Node ServiceProcessor State1.0.1State of the service processor on the node.Possible states are online, offline, degraded, rebooting, unknown, updating, node_offline, sp_daemon_offline
netapp_remote_node_ServiceProcessorLinkStatusNetApp Remote Cluster Node ServiceProcessor Link Status1.0.1Service Processor Link status on the Node.Possible states are up, down, disabled, unknown
netapp_remote_node_HaPortStateNetApp Remote Cluster Node HA Port State1.0.1Node HA Port State.Possible states are down, initialized, armed, active, reserved
netapp_remote_node_TakeOverStateNetApp Remote Cluster Node TakeOver State1.0.1Represents the state of the node that is taking over storage from its HA partner
netapp_remote_node_GiveBackStateNetApp Remote Cluster Node GiveBack State1.0.1Represents the state of the node that is giving storage back to its HA partner
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsApplication VersionDescription
NetApp Clusternetapp_cluster_ReadOpsNetApp Cluster Read Opss1.0.1Number of read I/O operations performed on the cluster
netapp_cluster_snapshot_lastTransferredDurationNetApp Cluster SnapShot Transfer Duration6.0.0Elapsed time to transfer all Snapshot copies for the last successful transfer.
netapp_cluster_snapshot_totalTransferDurationNetapp Cluster Snapshot Total Transfer Duration6.0.0Indicates the cumulative duration of all transfers since the last aggregate relocation, takeover/giveback, or metrocluster switchover/switchback involving the node that hosts the relationship.
netapp_cluster_WriteOpsNetApp Cluster Write Opss1.0.1Number of write I/O operations performed on a cluster
netapp_cluster_OtherOpsNetApp Cluster Other Opss1.0.1Number of other operations performed on cluster. Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups and so on
netapp_cluster_TotalOpsNetApp Cluster Total Opss1.0.1Performance metric aggregated over all types of I/O operations
netapp_cluster_ReadLatencyNetApp Cluster Read Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all read operations in the system in microseconds
netapp_cluster_WriteLatencyNetApp Cluster Write Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all write operations in the system in microseconds
netapp_cluster_OtherLatencyNetApp Cluster Other Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all other operations in the system in microseconds
netapp_cluster_TotalLatencyNetApp Cluster Total Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all total operations in the system in microseconds
netapp_cluster_ReadThroughputNetApp Cluster Read ThroughPutBps1.0.1Read Throughput for all read I/O operations
netapp_cluster_WriteThroughputNetApp Cluster Write ThroughPutBps1.0.1WriteThroughput for all write I/O operations
netapp_cluster_OtherThroughputNetApp Cluster Total ThroughPutBps1.0.1Other Throughput for all other I/O operations. Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups
netapp_cluster_TotalThroughputNetApp Cluster Total ThroughPutBps1.0.1Total Throughput for all types of I/O operations.
netapp_cluster_snapmirror_LagTimeNetApp Cluster SnapMirror LagTimems1.0.1Time since the exported Snapshot copy was created
NetApp Cluster Nodenetapp_node_raidTetrisWrittenNetApp Node Raid Tetris Writtens5.0.0Tetrises written per second
netapp_node_raidPartialStripesNetApp Node Raid Partial Stripess5.0.0Partial stripes written per second
netapp_node_raidFullStripesNetApp Node Raid Full Stripess5.0.0Full stripes written per second
netapp_node_raidBlocksWrittenNetApp Node Raid Blocks Writtens5.0.0Blocks written per second
netapp_node_raidBlocksReadNetApp Node Raid Blocks Reads5.0.0Number of blocks read per second while processing writes
netapp_node_raidReadOpsNetApp Node Raid Read Opss5.0.0Read operations per second issued by WAFL to RAID on HDD.
netapp_node_raidReadLatencyNetApp Node Raid Read Latencymicrosec5.0.0Average latency for all reads operations sent by WAFL to RAID on HDD in microseconds
NetApp Storage Aggregatenetapp_aggregate_ReadThroughputNetApp Cluster Aggregate Read ThroughPutBps1.0.1Read Throughput for all read I/O operations
netapp_aggregate_WriteThroughputNetApp Cluster Aggregate Write ThroughPutBps1.0.1WriteThroughput for all write I/O operations
netapp_aggregate_TotalThroughputNetApp Cluster Aggregate Other ThroughPutBps1.0.1Other Throughput for all other I/O operations. Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups
netapp_aggregate_OtherThroughputNetApp Cluster Aggregate Total ThroughPutBps1.0.1Total Throughput for all types of I/O operations
netapp_aggregate_ReadOpsNetApp Cluster Aggregate Read Opss1.0.1Number of read I/O operations performed on an aggregate
netapp_aggregate_WriteOpsNetApp Cluster Aggregate Write Opss1.0.1Number of write I/O operations performed on an aggregate
netapp_aggregate_TotalOpsNetApp Cluster Aggregate Other Opss1.0.1Number of other operations performed on an aggregate. Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups and so on
netapp_aggregate_OtherOpsNetApp Cluster Aggregate Total Opss1.0.1Performance metric aggregated over all types of I/O operations of an aggregate
netapp_aggregate_ReadLatencyNetApp Cluster Aggregate Read Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all read operations of an aggregate in microseconds
netapp_aggregate_WriteLatencyNetApp Cluster Aggregate Write Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all write operations of an aggregate in microseconds
netapp_aggregate_TotalLatencyNetApp Cluster Aggregate Other Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all other operations of an aggregate in microseconds
netapp_aggregate_OtherLatencyNetApp Cluster Aggregate Total Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all total operations of an aggregate in microseconds
netapp_aggregate_AvgReadThroughputNetApp Cluster Aggregate Average Read ThroughPutBps1.0.1Displays the incremental average read throughput over the last 1 hour with 15 seconds sampling
netapp_aggregate_AvgWriteThroughputNetApp Cluster Aggregate Average Write ThroughPutBps1.0.1Displays the incremental average write throughput over the last 1 hour with 15 seconds sampling
netapp_aggregate_AverageThroughputNetApp Cluster Aggregate Average ThroughPutBps1.0.1Displays the incremental average throughput over the last 1 hour with 15 seconds sampling
netapp_aggregate_AvgOtherThroughputNetApp Cluster Aggregate Average Other ThroughPutBps1.0.1Displays the incremental average other throughput over the last 1 hour with 15 seconds sampling
netapp_aggregate_AvgReadLatencyNetApp Cluster Aggregate Average Read Latencymicrosec1.0.1Displays the incremental average for read latency over the last 1 hour with 15 seconds sampling
netapp_aggregate_AvgWriteLatencyNetApp Cluster Aggregate Average Write Latencymicrosec1.0.1Displays the incremental average for write latency over the last 1 hour with 15 seconds sampling
netapp_aggregate_AverageLatencyNetApp Cluster Aggregate Average Latencymicrosec1.0.1Displays the incremental average for latency over the last 1 hour with 15 seconds sampling
netapp_aggregate_AvgOtherLatencyNetApp Cluster Aggregate Average Other Latencymicrosec1.0.1Displays the incremental average for other latencyover the last 1 hour with 15 seconds sampling
netapp_aggregate_AvgReadOpsNetApp Cluster Aggregate Average Read Opss1.0.1Displays the incremental changes in read IOPs over the last 1 hour with 15 seconds sampling
netapp_aggregate_AvgWriteOpsNetApp Cluster Aggregate Average Write Opss1.0.1Displays the incremental changes in write IOPs over the last 1 hour with 15 seconds sampling
netapp_aggregate_AvgOpsNetApp Cluster Aggregate Average Opss1.0.1Displays the incremental changes in IOPs over the last 1 hour with 15 seconds sampling
netapp_aggregate_AvgOtherOpsNetApp Cluster Aggregate Average Other Opss1.0.1Displays the incremental changes in other IOPs over the last 1 hour with 15 seconds sampling
NetApp Storage Disknetapp_disk_RevolutionsPerMinuteNetApp Cluster Disk Revolutions Per Minuterpm1.0.1NetApp Cluster Disk Revolutions Per Minute
netapp_disk_userReadsNetApp Cluster Disk User Readss5.0.0Number of disk read operations initiated each second for retrieving data or metadata associated with user requests
netapp_disk_userWritesNetApp Cluster Disk User Writess5.0.0Number of disk write operations initiated each second for storing data or metadata associated with user requests
netapp_disk_cpReadsNetApp Cluster Disk CP Readss5.0.0Number of disk read operations initiated each second for consistency point processing
netapp_disk_userReadLatencyNetApp Cluster Disk User Read Latencymicrosec5.0.0Average latency per block in microseconds for user read operations
netapp_disk_userWriteLatencyNetApp Cluster Disk Write Latencymicrosec5.0.0Average latency per block in microseconds for user write operations
netapp_disk_cpReadLatencyNetApp Cluster Disk CP Read Latencymicrosec5.0.0Average latency per block in microseconds for consistency point read operations
NetApp Storage FC Portnetapp_fcp_ReadThroughPutNetApp Cluster FC Port Read ThroughPutBps1.0.1Read Throughput for all read I/O operations of an FC Port
netapp_fcp_WriteThroughPutNetApp Cluster FC Port Write ThroughPutBps1.0.1WriteThroughput for all write I/O operations of an FC Port
netapp_fcp_TotalThroughPutNetApp Cluster FC Port Total ThroughPutBps1.0.1Total Throughput for all types of I/O operations of an FC Port
netapp_fcp_ReadLatencyNetApp Cluster FC Port Read Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all read operations in microseconds
netapp_fcp_WriteLatencyNetApp Cluster FC Port Write Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all write operations system in microseconds
netapp_fcp_TotalLatencyNetApp Cluster FC Port Total Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all total operations in microseconds
netapp_fcp_OtherLatencyNetApp Cluster FC Port Other Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all other operations in microseconds
netapp_fcp_ReadOpsNetApp Cluster FC Port Read Opss1.0.1Number of read I/O operations performed on the FC Port
netapp_fcp_WriteOpsNetApp Cluster FC Port Write Opss1.0.1Number of write I/O operations performed on a FC Port
netapp_fcp_TotalOpsNetApp Cluster FC Port Total Opss1.0.1Performance metric aggregated over all types of I/O operations of an FC Port
netapp_fcp_OtherOpsNetApp Cluster FC Port Other Opss1.0.1Number of other operations performed on cluster. Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups and so on
NetApp Storage Ethernet Portnetapp_ethernet_port_ReadThroughPutNetApp Cluster Net Port Read ThroughPutBps1.0.1Read Throughput for all read I/O operations
netapp_ethernet_port_WriteThroughPutNetApp Cluster Net Port Write ThroughPutBps1.0.1WriteThroughput for all write I/O operations
netapp_ethernet_port_TotalThroughPutNetApp Cluster Net Port Total ThroughPutBps1.0.1Total Throughput for all types of I/O operations
NetApp Storage FC Interfacenetapp_fc_interface_ReadThroughPutNetApp Cluster FC Interface Read ThroughPutBps1.0.1Read Throughput for all read I/O operations of an FC Interface
netapp_fc_interface_WriteThroughPutNetApp Cluster FC Interface Write ThroughPutBps1.0.1WriteThroughput for all write I/O operations of an FC Interface
netapp_fc_interface_TotalThroughPutNetApp Cluster FC Interface Total ThroughPutBps1.0.1Total Throughput for all types of I/O operations of an FC Interface
netapp_fc_interface_ReadLatencyNetApp Cluster FC Interface Read Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all read operations in microseconds
netapp_fc_interface_WriteLatencyNetApp Cluster FC Interface Write Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all write operations system in microseconds
netapp_fc_interface_TotalLatencyNetApp Cluster FC Interface Total Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all total operations in microseconds
netapp_fc_interface_OtherLatencyNetApp Cluster FC Interface Other Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all other operations in microseconds
netapp_fc_interface_ReadOpsNetApp Cluster FC Interface Read Opss1.0.1Number of read I/O operations performed on the FC Port
netapp_fc_interface_WriteOpsNetApp Cluster FC Interface Write Opss1.0.1Number of write I/O operations performed on a FC Port
netapp_fc_interface_TotalOpsNetApp Cluster FC Interface Total Opss1.0.1Performance metric aggregated over all types of I/O operations of an FC Port
netapp_fc_interface_OtherOpsNetApp Cluster FC Interface Other Opss1.0.1Number of other operations performed on cluster. Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups and so on
NetApp Storage LIF Interfacenetapp_lif_interface_ReadThroughPutNetApp Cluster Interface Read ThroughPutBps1.0.1Read Throughput for all read I/O operations of an Interface
netapp_lif_interface_WriteThroughPutNetApp Cluster Interface Write ThroughPutBps1.0.1WriteThroughput for all write I/O operations of an Interface
netapp_lif_interface_TotalThroughPutNetApp Cluster Interface Total ThroughPutBps1.0.1Total Throughput for all types of I/O operations of an Interface
netapp_lif_interface_StateNetApp Cluster Interface StateAvailability1.0.1Returns Interface state. Possible states are up, down
NetApp Storage SVMnetapp_vserver_StateNetApp Cluster vServer StateAvailability1.0.1vServer State.Possible states are starting, running, stopping, stopped, deleting
NetApp Storage LIF Interfacenetapp_lif_interface_ReadThroughPutNetApp Cluster Interface Read ThroughPutBps1.0.1Read Throughput for all read I/O operations of an Interface
netapp_lif_interface_WriteThroughPutNetApp Cluster Interface Write ThroughPutBps1.0.1WriteThroughput for all write I/O operations of an Interface
netapp_lif_interface_TotalThroughPutNetApp Cluster Interface Total ThroughPutBps1.0.1Total Throughput for all types of I/O operations of an Interface
NetApp Storage SVMnetapp_vserver_nfsv3_ReadOpsNetApp vServer NFSV3 Read Opss1.0.1Number of read I/O operations performed
netapp_vserver_nfsv3_WriteOpsNetApp vServer NFSV3 Write Opss1.0.1Number of write I/O operations performed
netapp_vserver_nfsv3_TotalOpsNetApp vServer NFSV3 Total Opss1.0.1Performance metric aggregated over all types of I/O operations
netapp_vserver_nfsv3_OtherOpsNetApp vServer NFSV3 Other Opss1.0.1Number of other operations performed. Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups and so on
netapp_vserver_cifs_ReadThroughPutNetApp vServer CIFS Read ThroughPutBps1.0.1Read Throughput for all read I/O operation
netapp_vserver_cifs_WriteThroughPutNetApp vServer CIFS Write ThroughPutBps1.0.1WriteThroughput for all write I/O operations
netapp_vserver_cifs_TotalThroughPutNetApp vServer CIFS Total ThroughPutBps1.0.1Total Throughput for all types of I/O operations
netapp_vserver_cifs_ReadLatencyNetApp vServer CIFS Read Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all read operations in microseconds
netapp_vserver_cifs_WriteLatencyNetApp vServer CIFS Write Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all write operations system in microseconds
netapp_vserver_cifs_TotalLatencyNetApp vServer CIFS Total Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all total operations in microseconds
netapp_vserver_cifs_OtherLatencyNetApp vServer CIFS Other Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all other operations in microseconds
netapp_vserver_cifs_ReadOpsNetApp vServer CIFS Read Opss1.0.1Number of read I/O operations performed
netapp_vserver_cifs_WriteOpsNetApp vServer CIFS Write Opss1.0.1Number of write I/O operations performed
netapp_vserver_cifs_TotalOpsNetApp vServer CIFS Total Opss1.0.1Performance metric aggregated over all types of I/O operations
netapp_vserver_cifs_OtherOpsNetApp vServer CIFS Other Opss1.0.1Number of other operations performed. Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups and so on
netapp_vserver_iscsi_ReadThroughputNetApp vServer ISCSI Read ThroughPutBps1.0.1Read Throughput for all read I/O operation
netapp_vserver_iscsi_WriteThroughputNetApp vServer ISCSI Write ThroughPutBps1.0.1WriteThroughput for all write I/O operations
netapp_vserver_iscsi_TotalThroughputNetApp vServer ISCSI Total ThroughPutBps1.0.1Total Throughput for all types of I/O operations
netapp_vserver_iscsi_ReadOpsNetApp vServer ISCSI Read Latencys1.0.1Latency for all read operations in microseconds
netapp_vserver_iscsi_WriteOpsNetApp vServer ISCSI Write Latencys1.0.1Latency for all write operations system in microseconds
netapp_vserver_iscsi_TotalOpsNetApp vServer ISCSI Total Latencys1.0.1Latency for all total operations in microseconds
netapp_vserver_iscsi_OtherOpsNetApp vServer ISCSI Other Latencys1.0.1Latency for all other operations in microseconds
netapp_vserver_iscsi_ReadLatencyNetApp vServer ISCSI Read Opsmicrosec1.0.1Number of read I/O operations performed
netapp_vserver_iscsi_WriteLatencyNetApp vServer ISCSI Write Opsmicrosec1.0.1Number of write I/O operations performed
netapp_vserver_iscsi_TotalLatencyNetApp vServer ISCSI Total Opsmicrosec1.0.1Performance metric aggregated over all types of I/O operations
netapp_vserver_iscsi_OtherLatencyNetApp vServer ISCSI Other Opsmicrosec1.0.1Number of other operations performed. Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups and so on
netapp_vserver_nfsv3OpsNetApp VServer NFSv3Opss5.0.0Total number of NFSv3 procedure requests per second.
NetApp Storage Volumenetapp_volume_GrowThresholdPercentageNetApp Cluster Volume Grow Threshold%1.0.1Used space threshold size, in percentage, for the automatic growth of the volume. When the amount of used space in the volume
becomes greater than this threhold, the volume automatically
grows unless it has reached the maximum size
netapp_volume_ShrinkThresholdPercentageNetApp Cluster Volume Shrink Threshold%1.0.1Used space threshold size, in percentage, for the automatic shrinkage of the volume. When the amount of used space in the volume
drops below this threshold, the volume automatically
shrinks unless it has reached the minimum size
netapp_volume_OtherLatencyNetApp Cluster Volume Other Latencymicrosec1.0.1The raw latency in microseconds observed at the storage object. Performance metric for other I/O operations.
Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups and so on.
netapp_volume_TotalLatencyNetApp Cluster Volume Total Latencymicrosec1.0.1The raw latency in microseconds observed at the storage object. Performance metric aggregated over all types of I/O operations.
netapp_volume_ReadLatencyNetApp Cluster Volume Read Latencymicrosec1.0.1The raw latency in microseconds observed at the storage object. Performance metric for read I/O operations.
netapp_volume_WriteLatencyNetApp Cluster Volume Write Latencymicrosec1.0.1The raw latency in microseconds observed at the storage object. Peformance metric for write I/O operations.
netapp_volume_OtherOpsNetApp Cluster Volume Other Opss1.0.1Number of other operations performed by the volume
netapp_volume_TotalOpsNetApp Cluster Volume Total Opss1.0.1Number of operations performed by the volume
netapp_volume_ReadOpsNetApp Cluster Volume Read Opss1.0.1Number of read operations performed by the volume
netapp_volume_WriteOpsNetApp Cluster Volume Write Opss1.0.1Number of write operations performed by the volume
netapp_volume_OtherThroughputNetApp Cluster Volume Other ThroughPutBps1.0.1Other Throughput for all other I/O operations. Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups
netapp_volume_TotalThroughputNetApp Cluster Volume Total ThroughPutBps1.0.1Total Throughput for all I/O operations on the volume
netapp_volume_ReadThroughputNetApp Cluster Volume Read ThroughPutBps1.0.1Read Throughput for all other I/O operations.
netapp_volume_WriteThroughputNetApp Cluster Volume Write ThroughPutBps1.0.1Write Throughput for all types of I/O operations
netapp_volume_TooOldSnapshotNetapp Cluster Volume Too Old SnapshotDays1.0.1Specifies the age of a Snapshot copy, which, if exceeded, is considered too old for the volume
netapp_volume_AvgLatencyNetApp Cluster Volume Average Latencymicrosec1.0.1The round trip latency in microseconds observed at the storage object. Performance metric aggregated over all types of I/O operations.
netapp_volume_AvgReadLatencyNetApp Cluster Volume Average Read Latencymicrosec1.0.1The round trip latency in microseconds observed at the storage object. Performance metric for read I/O operations.
netapp_volume_AvgWriteLatencyNetApp Cluster Volume Average Write Latencymicrosec1.0.1The round trip latency in microseconds observed at the storage object. Peformance metric for write I/O operations.
netapp_volume_AvgOtherLatencyNetApp Cluster Volume Average Other Latencymicrosec1.0.1The round trip latency in microseconds observed at the storage object. Performance metric for other I/O operations.
Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups and so on.
netapp_volume_AvgOtherOpsNetApp Cluster Volume Average Other Opss1.0.1NetApp Cluster Volume Average Other Ops
netapp_volume_AvgOpsNetApp Cluster Volume Average Total Opss1.0.1NetApp Cluster Volume Average Total Ops
netapp_volume_AvgReadOpsNetApp Cluster Volume Average Read Opss1.0.1NetApp Cluster Volume Average Read Ops
netapp_volume_AvgWriteOpsNetApp Cluster Volume Average Write Opss1.0.1NetApp Cluster Volume Average Write Ops
netapp_volume_AvgOtherThroughputNetApp Cluster Volume Average Other ThroughPutBps1.0.1NetApp Cluster Volume Average Other ThroughPut
netapp_volume_AvgThroughputNetApp Cluster Volume Average ThroughPutBps1.0.1NetApp Cluster Volume Average ThroughPut
netapp_volume_AvgReadThroughputNetApp Cluster Volume Average Read ThroughPutBps1.0.1NetApp Cluster Volume Average Read ThroughPut
netapp_volume_AvgWriteThroughputNetApp Cluster Volume Average Write ThroughPutBps1.0.1NetApp Cluster Volume Average Write ThroughPut
netapp_volume_SpaceFullThresholdPercentNetApp Cluster Volume SpaceFull Threshold Percentage%1.0.1NetApp Cluster Volume SpaceFull Threshold Percentage
netapp_volume_nfsReadLatencyNetApp Volume NFS Read Latencymicrosec5.0.0Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process NFS
protocol read requests to the volume; not including NFS protocol request processing
or network communication time which will also be included in client observed NFS request latency
netapp_volume_nfsWriteLatencyNetApp Qtree NFS Write Latencymicrosec5.0.0Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process NFS
protocol write requests to the volume; not including NFS protocol request processing
or network communication time, which will also be included in client observed NFS request latency
NetApp Storage Qtreenetapp_qtree_ReadOpsNetApp Volume Qtree Read Opss1.0.1Number of read I/O operations performed
netapp_qtree_WriteOpsNetApp Volume Qtree Write Opss1.0.1Number of write I/O operations performed
netapp_qtree_OtherOpsNetApp Volume Qtree Other Opss1.0.1Number of other operations performed. Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups and so on
netapp_qtree_TotalOpsNetApp Volume Qtree Total Opss1.0.1Performance metric aggregated over all types of I/O operations
netapp_qtree_nfsOpsNetApp Qtree NFS Opss5.0.0Number of NFS operations per second to the qtree
netapp_qtree_cifsOpsNetApp Qtree CIFS Opss5.0.0Number of CIFS operations per second to the qtree
NetApp Storage Lunnetapp_lun_OtherLatencyNetApp Cluster LUN Other Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all other operations on the LUN. Other operations include metadata and directory lookups
netapp_lun_TotalLatencyNetApp Cluster LUN Total Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all Total operations on the LUN
netapp_lun_ReadLatencyNetApp Cluster LUN Read Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all Read operations on the LUN
netapp_lun_WriteLatencyNetApp Cluster LUN Write Latencymicrosec1.0.1Latency for all Write operations on the LUN
netapp_lun_OtherOpsNetApp Cluster LUN Other Opss1.0.1Other operations per second
netapp_lun_TotalOpsNetApp Cluster LUN Total Opss1.0.1Total operations per sec
netapp_lun_ReadOpsNetApp Cluster LUN Read Opss1.0.1Read operations per second
netapp_lun_WriteOpsNetApp Cluster LUN Write Opss1.0.1Write operations per sec
netapp_lun_OtherThroughputNetApp Cluster LUN Other ThroughPutBps1.0.1Other throughput for all other I/O operations. Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups
netapp_lun_TotalThroughputNetApp Cluster LUN Total ThroughPutBps1.0.1Total throughPut in bytes per sec
netapp_lun_ReadThroughputNetApp Cluster LUN Read ThroughPutBps1.0.1Read bytes per second
netapp_lun_WriteThroughputNetApp Cluster LUN Write ThroughPutBps1.0.1Write bytes per second
netapp_lun_AvgLatencyNetApp Cluster LUN Average Latencymicrosec1.0.1Avg latency for all the operations on the LUN.
netapp_lun_AvgReadLatencyNetApp Cluster LUN Average Read Latencymicrosec1.0.1Avg latency for all Read operations on the LUN
netapp_lun_AvgWriteLatencyNetApp Cluster LUN Average Write Latencymicrosec1.0.1Avg Latency for all Write operations on the LUN
netapp_lun_AvgotherLatencyNetApp Cluster LUN Average Other Latencymicrosec1.0.1Avg latency for all Other operations performed on the LUN.Other operations include metadata and directory lookups
netapp_lun_AvgOtherOpsNetApp Cluster LUN Average Other Opss1.0.1Avg other operations per second
netapp_lun_AvgOpsNetApp Cluster LUN Average Total Opss1.0.1Avg total operations per sec
netapp_lun_AvgReadOpsNetApp Cluster LUN Average Read Opss1.0.1Avg read operations per second
netapp_lun_AvgWriteOpsNetApp Cluster LUN Average Write Opss1.0.1Avg write operations per sec
netapp_lun_AvgOtherThroughputNetApp Cluster LUN Average Other ThroughPutBps1.0.1Avg reads in bytes per second
netapp_lun_AvgThroughputNetApp Cluster LUN Average Total ThroughPutBps1.0.1Avg writes in bytes per second
netapp_lun_AvgReadThroughputNetApp Cluster LUN Average Read ThroughPutBps1.0.1Avg latency for all the operations on the LUN.
netapp_lun_AvgWriteThroughputNetApp Cluster LUN Average Write ThroughPutBps1.0.1Avg latency for all Read operations on the LUN
NetApp Storage Portnetapp_port_SpeedNetApp Cluster Storage Port SpeedGbps1.0.1NetApp Cluster Storage Port Speed
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsApplication VersionDescription
NetApp Cluster Nodenetapp_node_ControllerOverTemperatureNetApp Cluster Node Controller Over Temperature1.0.1Node Controller Over Temperature. Possible values are over, normal
NetApp Remote Cluster Nodenetapp_remote_node_ControllerOverTemperatureNetApp Remote Cluster Node Controller Over Temperature1.0.1Node Controller Over Temperature. Possible values are over, normal
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsApplication VersionDescription
NetApp Clusternetapp_cluster_system_SizeAvailableNetapp Cluster System Size AvailableGB1.0.1System Available size.Sum of the available size of all the aggregates in a cluster
netapp_cluster_system_UtilizationNetapp Cluster System Utilization%1.0.1System Utilization
netapp_cluster_snapshot_lastTransferredBytesNetApp Cluster SnapShot Transfer BytesBytes6.0.0Total bytes transferred in the last successful transfer.
netapp_cluster_snapshot_throttleNetApp Cluster SnapShot Throttle6.0.0Throttle, in KBs per second. This throttle overrides the throttle set on the SnapMirror relationship's policy. If neither of these are set, defaults to 0, which is interpreted as unlimited.
netapp_cluster_snapshot_totalTransferBytesNetapp Cluster Snapshot Total Transfer BytesBytes6.0.0Indicates the cumulative bytes transfered since the last aggregate relocation, takeover/giveback, or metrocluster switchover/switchback involving the node that hosts the relationship.
NetApp Cluster Nodenetapp_node_CpuUtilizationNetApp Cluster Node Cpu Utilization%1.0.1Node CPU Utilization
netapp_node_processorBusyNetApp Node Raid Processors Busy%5.0.0Percentage of elapsed time that the processor is executing non-idle processes
NetApp Storage Aggregatenetapp_aggregate_SizeUsedNetApp Cluster Aggregate Size UsedGB1.0.1Space used or reserved. Includes volume guarantees and aggregate metadata
netapp_aggregate_SizeTotalNetApp Cluster Aggregate Size TotalGB1.0.1Total usable space not including WAFL reserve and aggregate Snapshot copy reserve
netapp_aggregate_SizeAvailableNetApp Cluster Aggregate Size AvailableGB1.0.1Space available on the Aggregate
netapp_aggregate_PercentUsedCapacityNetApp Cluster Aggregate Percentage Used Capacity%1.0.1Percentage used Capacity of an Aggregate
netapp_aggregate_SpaceFullThresholdPercentNetApp Cluster Aggregate SpaceFull Threshold percent%1.0.1Spacefull Threshold Percentage of an Aggregate
netapp_aggregate_InactiveUserDataNetApp Cluster Aggregate Inactive User DataGB1.0.1The size that is physically used in the block storage and has a cold temperature.only supported if the aggregate is either attached to a cloud store or can be attached to a cloud store.
netapp_aggregate_RaidSizeNetApp Cluster Aggregate Raid Sizecount1.0.1Specifies the maximum number of disks that can be included in a RAID group.
netapp_aggregate_SnapshotReservePercentNetApp Cluster Aggregate Snapshot Reserve percentage%1.0.1NetApp Cluster Aggregate Snapshot Reserve percentage
NetApp Storage Disknetapp_disk_SizeAvailableNetApp Cluster Disk Size AvailableGB1.0.1NetApp Cluster Disk Size Available
netapp_disk_UtilizationNetapp Cluster Storage Disk Utilization%6.0.0Percentage of disk utilization
NetApp Storage Ethernet Portnetapp_ethernet_port_ReceivedPacketsNetApp Cluster Net Port Received Packetscount1.0.1Number of packets received
netapp_ethernet_port_TransmittedPacketsNetApp Cluster Net Port Transmitted Packetscount1.0.1Number of packets transmitted
NetApp Storage Volumenetapp_volume_FilesTotalNetApp Cluster Volume Files Totalcount1.0.1The maximum number of files (inodes) for user-visible data allowed on the volume
netapp_volume_FilesUsedNetApp Cluster Volume Files Usedcount1.0.1Number of user-visible files (inodes) used
netapp_volume_SizeTotalNetApp Cluster Volume Size TotalGB1.0.1Total provisioned size. The default size is equal to the minimum size of 20MB, in bytes
netapp_volume_SizeAvailableNetApp Cluster Volume Size AvailableGB1.0.1The available space in volume, in bytes.
netapp_volume_SizeUsedNetApp Cluster Volume Size UsedGB1.0.1The virtual space used (includes volume reserves) before storage efficiency, in bytes.
netapp_volume_SnapshotReserveSizeUsedNetApp Cluster Volume Snapshot Reserve Size UsedGB1.0.1The total space used by Snapshot copies in the volume, in bytes.
netapp_volume_PercentageSnapshotsReservedNetApp Cluster Volume Percentage Snapshot Reserved%1.0.1The space that has been set aside as a reserve for Snapshot copy usage, in percent
netapp_volume_FootprintNetApp Cluster Volume FootPrintGB1.0.1Data used for this volume in the aggregate, in bytes
netapp_volume_MetadataNetApp Cluster Volume MetaDataGB1.0.1Space used by the volume metadata in the aggregate, in bytes
netapp_volume_LogicalSpaceUsedByAfsNetApp Cluster Volume Logical Space USed By AFSGB1.0.1The virtual space used by AFS alone (includes volume reserves) and along with storage efficiency, in bytes
netapp_volume_InodeUtilizationNetApp Cluster Volume Inode Utilization%1.0.1Percentage of volume iNode utilization
netapp_volume_PercentageSizeUsedNetApp Cluster Volume Utilization%1.0.1Percentage of the volume size that is used. This field is valid only when the volume is online.
netapp_volume_SnapshotCountNetapp Cluster Volume Snapshot Countcount1.0.1Volume SnapShot Count
netapp_volume_QuotaToalFilesUsedNetApp Cluster Volume Quota Total Files Usedcount1.0.1Total files used
netapp_volume_QuotaSpaceHardLimitNetApp Cluster Volume Quota Space Hard LimitBytes1.0.1Space hard limit in bytes
netapp_volume_QuotaSpaceHardLimitPercentageUsedNetApp Cluster Volume Quota Space Hard Limit Percntage Used%1.0.1Total space used as a percentage of space soft limit
netapp_volume_QuotaToalSpaceUsedNetApp Cluster Volume Quota Total Space UsedGB1.0.1Total space used
NetApp Storage Lunnetapp_lun_SizeTotalNetApp Cluster Lun Size TotalGB1.0.1The total provisioned size of the LUN
netapp_lun_SizeUsedNetApp Cluster Lun Size UsedGB1.0.1NetApp Cluster Lun Size Used
netapp_lun_SizePercentageUsedNetApp Cluster LUN Utilization%1.0.1LUN Utilization
NetApp Remote Cluster Nodenetapp_remote_node_CpuUtilizationNetApp Remote Cluster Node Cpu Utilization%1.0.1Node CPU Utilization
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsApplication VersionDescription
NetApp Clusternetapp_ontap_APIStatsNetApp Ontap API Statistics3.0.0Provides the number of API calls made within the frequency and resources.
Note: This is not a default metrics, needs to be applied manually on the root resource native type only.

Default Monitoring Configurations

NetApp ONTAP Device has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business requirement by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. It is recommended to clone them before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.

  1. Default Global Device Management Policies

    You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested names in global scope:

    {appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: netapp-ontap NetApp Cluster - 1 (i.e, appName = netapp-ontap, nativeType = NetApp Cluster, version = 1)

  2. Default Global Templates

    You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template adheres to the following naming convention:

    {appName nativeType 'Template' - version}

    Ex: netapp-ontap NetApp Cluster Template - 1 (i.e, appName = netapp-ontap, nativeType = NetApp Cluster, version = 1)

  3. Default Global Monitors

    You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each Monitors adheres to the following naming convention:

    {monitorKey appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: NetApp Cluster Monitor netapp-ontap NetApp Cluster 1 (i.e, monitorKey = NetApp Cluster Monitor, appName = netapp-ontap, nativeType = NetApp Cluster, version = 1)