Risks, Limitations and Assumptions
- The integration can handle Critical/Recovery failure notifications for the following two cases when user enables App Failure Notifications in configuration
- Connectivity Exception
- Authentication Exception
- The integration will send any duplicate/repeat failure alert notification for every 6 hours.
- The integration cannot control monitoring pause/resume actions based on above alerts Metrics can be used to monitor resources and can generate alerts based on the threshold values.
- The minimum supported version for the option to get the latest snapshot metric is nextgen-14.0.0.
- Full discovery support requires gateway version 15.0.0 or above.
- The integration is not compatible with Cluster Gateway
- Ensure all the prerequisites mentioned are met.
When the Microsoft SCVMM integration fails to discover or monitor, perform the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Verify Alerts and Logs
- Check if any alerts are generated on the cluster or gateway.
- Review error logs in vprobe for any indications of failures.
2. Validate PowerShell Connectivity
To rule out PowerShell connection issues or failures like end device connectivity or authentication, establish a connection with the end device from the gateway using the following steps:
For NextGen Gateway
Use the command kubectl exec -it nextgen-gw-0 -c nativebridge -- /bin/bash
to connect to the native bridge container. Once connected, proceed to run the following commands.
For Classic Gateway
Directly run the following commands.
Steps to Establish Connection
Launch PowerShell using
Run the following commands to establish connection:
```powershell $pw = convertto-securestring -AsPlainText -Force -String "<password>" $cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist "<username>", $pw $session = new-pssession -computername "<ipAddress>" -credential $cred -Authentication Negotiate -ErrorAction Stop $session.state # (Session state should be open) ```
In the above commands, replace <password>
, <username>
, and <ipAddress>
with end device details.
- If the session does not establish, ensure all prerequisites are met.
3. Validate new PowerShell scripts
To verify that the script performs its intended tasks without errors or unexpected behavior and ensure that the script can establish the required connections, validate new scripts as follows:
For NextGen Gateway
Use the command kubectl exec -it nextgen-gw-0 -c nativebridge -- /bin/bash
to connect to the native bridge container. Once connected, proceed to run the following commands.
For Classic Gateway
Directly run the following commands.
Steps to validate scripts
- Execute the command:
cat > <new script file name>
It will expect the script content to be pasted. Copy the content of the script with required changes and paste here.
Exit the cat command using
Ctrl + Z
Execute the script using:
pwsh -File <script file name> <host ip> <username> <base64 encoded password> 0
4. Validate script changes for existing script files
To validate script changes for existing script files , follow these steps:
For NextGen Gateway
Use the command kubectl exec -it nextgen-gw-0 -c nativebridge -- /bin/bash
to connect to the native bridge container. Once connected, proceed to run the following commands.
For Classic Gateway
Directly run the following commands.
Steps to validate existing scripts
Navigate to the path:
cd /opt/gateway/content/scripts/windows-hyperv-cluster
Take a backup of the file
cp <script file name to be modified> <backup file name>
Execute the command
cat > <script file name>
It will expect the script content to be pasted. Copy the content of the script with required changes and paste here.
Exit the cat command using
Ctrl + Z
Check the last modified time using
. Ensure the last modified time matches the current time.Execute the script using:
pwsh -File <script file name> <host ip> <username> <base64 encoded password> 0
If the script responds correctly, restart the pod:
For NextGen Gateway:
kubectl delete pod nextgen-gw-0
For Classic Gateway:
service vprobe restart
If connectivity or authentication issues persists, refer to the SDK App Debugging process and contact the Support Team.