
Remote commands provide an easy way to get a few details about a resource from OpsRamp portal without logging in to the resource.


  • Clients should have “Remediation and Automation” package and “Remote Access Management” Addon.
  • Users should have “Allow to Run Commands” permission to run the remote commands.

Supported Remote Commands

To see the supported remote commands in OpsRamp portal, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Resources.
  2. Choose the agent installed resource to run the remote commands, or use the advanced search field to find the resource.
  3. Click on the resource.
  4. Next, navigate to the right top corner of the page and click on symbol (>_).
  5. Now you will see the complete list of supported remote commands as shown in below table.

List of remote commands name with supported Operating System (OS);

Remote CommandsDescriptionWindowsLinuxFreeBSD
CPU and Memory UsageThis remote command gives CPU and Memory Usage of the resource.YesYesYes
Disable Windows Auto UpdateThis remote command is used to disable automatic updates in windows.YesNoNo
Disk UsageThis remote command is used to get Disk Usage on a resource.YesYesYes
Enable Agent log Debug ModeThis remote command is used to enable debug mode on agent log. You can select the time duration from the dropdown options (10,30 or 60 minutes). Once the time period is complete, the agent log level returns to WARNING level.YesYesYes
Critical and Error Event logsThis remote command is used to get the list of errors and critical events triggered based on the time period specified.YesNoNo
HostnameIt is used to get the hostname of the resource.YesYesYes
Internal Agent CommandInternal agent commands are used to get information and to perform action. Below are the possible options for agent internal commands: SYNC_MONIT_CONFIGS POST_INVENTORYYesYesYes
IPConfigThis remote command is used to get the IpAddress of the resource.YesYesYes
NSLookupNSLookup command is useful for querying the Domain Name System (DNS) to obtain domain name or IP address mapping or any other specific DNS record.YesYesNo
PingThis remote command is used to check whether given IP is reachable or not.YesYesYes
ProcessesThis remote command shows a list of processes and basic information of each process.YesYesYes
RDP and VNC OptionsThis remote command is used to get RDP (Remote Desktop Protocal) and VNC (Virtual Network Computing) information. This is used to check whether RDP and VNC is enabled or not in the device.YesNoNo
Restart AgentRestart Agent is used to restart agent service.YesYesYes
Restart Remote AgentThis remote command is used to restart the remote Windows agent. You must provide the remote RDP credentials.YesNoNo
Remote System InfoThis remote command is used to get information about remote devices. It provides details of hostname, OS name, OS version etc.YesNoNo
ServicesThis remote command is used to list services and their basic information.YesYesYes
Show Recent Agent LogThis remote command is used to get the recent agent logs up to 500 lines. You can choose 100, 200, or 500 using the dropdown list.YesYesYes
System InfoSystem Info command is used to get information of a system. It provides information such as: hostname, OS Name, OS version etc.YesYesYes
System StatusSystem Info command is used to get information about a system. It provides information such as: hostname, OS Name, OS version etc.YesNoNo
Trace RouteTrace Route is used to display possible routes and measure transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol Network.YesYesYes
Execute a CommandThis remote command is visible for Partner and Client users.YesYesNo

List of gateway commands that can be executed via Agent installed on the gateway.

Remote CommandsDescription
Kubectl Get PodsThis command gets the kubernetes POD details from NextGen gateway.
Kubectl Get ServicesThis command gets the kubernetes Services details from NextGen gateway.
Kubectl Get PVCThis command gets the kubernetes persistent volume details from NextGen gateway.
Kubectl Get NodesThis command gets the kubernetes nodes details from NextGen gateway.
Kubectl Top PodsThis command gets the kubernetes pod memory usage from NextGen gateway.
Kubectl Delete Pod NextGen GatewayThis command is used to delete the pod in NextGen gateway.
Kubectl Descr Pod NextGen GwThis command describes the kubernetes Nextgen gateway pod on the NextGen gateway.
Kubectl Descr Pod NextGen Gw Redis MasterThis command describes the kubernetes Nextgen gateway redid master pod on the NextGen gateway.
Kubectl Describe NodeThis command describes the kubernetes Node on the NextGen gateway.
Kubectl Top Pods NextGen Gateway ContainersThis command gets the kubernetes pod container memory usage from NextGen gateway.
OpensslThe openssl s_client command implements a generic SSL/TLS client which connects to a remote host using SSL/TLS. It is a very useful diagnostic tool for SSL servers.
Restart VprobeThis command is used to restart the classic gateway vprobe service (monitoring service).
Monit SummaryThis command is used to check the classic gateway services status, following are the services vprobe, web probe, Django, nginx, etc.
Show Recent NextGen GW Vprobe and Tls LogThis command is used to get Nextgen gateway vprobe and vprobe tls logs, if you select 100 line you will see last 100 lines of vprobe and vprobe tls logs.
Show Recent Classic GW Vprobe LogThis command is used to get classic gateway vprobe logs, if you select 100 lines you will see the last 100 lines of vprobe logs.
Show Recent Classic GW Tls LogThis command is used to get classic gateway vprobe tls logs, if you select 100 line you will see the last 100 lines of vprobe tls logs.