Why is an agent update required?

The agent update is required for updating bug fixes in the previous agent version, new features or to address critical issues.

How often are agent updates released?

The agent is updated after every major release (that occurs once a quarter) or sometimes after a minor release or any hotfixes.

What is the downtime for agent updates?

Agent update downtime is very minimal and the update process takes from one minute to a maximum of two minutes.

  • The downtime also depends on the network bandwidth that is required to download the patch.
  • During this process, the agent service is stopped and restarted after the update.

How do I find devices that have agent policies?

To find devices with agent policies:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounts and click Clients.
  2. Click the client name.
  3. Select the Client Details tab to view the list of policies that are assigned to the resources.

How do I validate if the agent is successfully configured?

To validate configuration:

  1. Go to the Infrastructure tab.
  2. On the device list, search for the device on which the agent was deployed.
  3. Check for an icon that is displayed against the resource. This icon confirms that agent is successfully installed on the device.

How to migrate Agent from Direct to Proxy and Vice-Versa?

A direct agent can be converted into a proxy agent, and a proxy agent can be converted into a direct agent. A proxy agent can be moved from one proxy server to another.

You can find the migration scripts in the following location in the OpsRamp console. Automation > Scripts > OpsRamp Agent

There are separate scripts for migrating Linux and Windows agents. The scripts are self-explanatory and you can use them to migrate agents.

How does the Secondary Proxy work in OpsRamp Agent?

The OpsRamp Agent provides support for configuring secondary proxy during installation. Here’s how it works:

  • During Agent installation, the secondary proxy configuration is provided separated by commas.
  • After the Agent restarts, it parses and save the proxy configuration in RAM.
  • Initially, the Agent attempts to connect with the primary proxy specified during installation.
  • If the connection to the primary proxy fails, then Agent tries to connect with the secondary proxy.
  • The Agent prioritizes the last successfully connected proxy IP address. This means that it will attempt to use the last known working proxy for subsequent connections.
  • The Agent prioritizes the last successfully connected proxy IP.

How long are metric and alert data retained if the Agent loses network connectivity?

On loss of network connectivity, the Agent retains alert data for the last 1 day and retains metric data for the last 1 hour.

Why does OpsRamp see a Virtual Machine as a new device when it is moved between VMware Clusters or restored from backup or cloned?

Based on reconciliation logic we will create a device at the portal.
The creation of the new device could be a change in major resource attributes such as IP address, MAC address, BIOS id, MOID (VMware object id), etc.

Due to change in resource attributes of device the new resource is created on the portal.

Yes, you can link the resources by adding the old resource UUID to our agent configuration DB (Database).

You may lose the new resource metric data if you change the resource UUID from new to old.

Does OpsRamp transfer the monitoring templates assigned on the old device to the new device?

No, monitoring templates will not be transferred to the new device if they are manually assigned on the old device.

If the monitoring template is assigned with DMP (Device Management Policy) on the old device, then the templates will be transferred from the old device to the new device.

Does the new resource keep the old metric data?

No, old metric data will not be available on the new device, because the device or resource is treated as a new resource. Hence, everything gets monitored newly on the new device and successfully onboarded to OpsRamp.

Can we map the data such as Service Maps, Notes, and Knowledge Base articles to the new devices?

No, the Notes cannot be mapped to the new devices.
However, if the Service Maps and Knowledge Base articles are created with DMP, then these will be mapped to the new devices.

Where can I find the Windows Defender patches installed by the OpsRamp Agent?

Windows Defender patches will not be displayed in the Control Panel, whether it is installed by a third-party application such as OpsRamp Agent or by Windows Defender itself.

You should navigate to Event Viewer to view the information about Windows Defender patches installed by the OpsRamp Agent or any third-party applications.

Can we install the agent in a custom location?

Previously, the installation and configuration of the agent were automatically set to the default location. However, now you have the flexibility to install and configure the agent at your desired location. You can specify a custom path and the agent will be installed in the same location. Here is an example:

For Window:

  • Default Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpsRamp\Agent
  • Custom Path Example: {custom_dir}\OpsRamp\Agent

Custom path installation on Window, use the following example command.

msiexec.exe /i {.msi file path in quotes} /quiet WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS="/silent /apiserver=<apiserver> key=<key> /secret=<secret> /clientid=<clientid> /custominstallationpath=<custom absolute path>”

For Linux:

  • Default Location: /opt/opsramp/agent
  • Custom Path Example: {custom_dir}/opsramp/agent

Custom path installation on Linux, follow the below steps:

  1. Extract the tar file contents into the custom directory.
    tar -C <custom-dir> -xzf opsramp-agent-17.0.0_1_amd64.tar.gz
  2. Navigate to the custom directory and run setup.sh to install the agent into the specified directory and configure startup scripts.
  3. Start the agent with the authentication tokens generated for your organization. Following is an example command.
    sudo <custom-dir>/opsramp/agent/bin/configure -K <key> -S <secret> -s <apiserver> -u true

Can we share any OpsRamp installer file through Microsoft Teams?

Avoid sharing any executable files or OpsRamp installer files through Microsoft Teams, as this action can internally activate processes within the Teams platform. Furthermore, sharing such files may lead to the creation of dummy resources in the OpsRamp portal.

To prevent any unexpected consequences, make sure not to share any OpsRamp sensitive documents or installer files via Microsoft Teams.

What ports are required for the Linux agent deployment tool when communicating from the jump server to the end server?

The Ansible agent script utilizes SSH for deployment, hence requiring port 22 for SSH communication from the jump server to the end server.

If we are using the agent deployment tool, do we need ICMP, Port 135, 139, and 445 from the Windows jump server to the end agent server?

Yes, we require either ICMP (ping) or port 135 for the device discovery. We used xCmd tool to deploy the agent deployment and this tool used the ports 135, 139 and 445.

While using the Windows deployment tool, how does communication occur between a Windows jump server and end agent server?

The communication is facilitated through the xCmd tool. Internally, xCmd uses shared paths to push the agent installer to the remote machine.

Note: Make sure that ports 135, 139, and 445 are open for the proper functioning of the xCmd tool.

Mention the way of communication between Agent and Gateway along with port and direction?

Communication from Agent to Gateway is bi-directional and Agent communicates with Gateway using 3128 port. The 3128 port is a in-bond port in Gateway side.

What VCRT version required is for Windows Agent Patching?

VCRT version 11.0.61030.0 is required for Windows Agent Patching. We install this as part of the Agent installation process in case VCRT is not found on the device.

My Agent uninstalled itself, what should i do?

The agent uninstalls itself if it receives a bad response code (410/401) from the cloud as part of the API call response. You can confirm the uninstallation by checking the agent backup files in the agent audit logs.

Explanation of Response Codes:

410 Response CodesDevice not found in OpsRamp databaseCheck the audit logs to identify who deleted the devices and reinstalled the agent
401 Response CodesUsed wrong credentialsCheck the credentials you entered and make sure they are correct