
The Alert Listing application will provide a comprehensive and detailed list of alerts. This list provides specific information about each alert, including its source, severity level, timestamp, and any associated actions or recommendations.

Configuration Parameters

  • Add Query: Use the query to select the entities that you wish to include in the report.
    • Default query: The default query { status IN (“OPEN”, “ACKNOWLEDGED”, “TICKETED”, “SUPPRESSED”, “CORRELATED”) AND UpdatedTime >= -7d }will be populated by default when opens alert listing app. User can able to modify/delete the default query and run his specific query
    • Using an OpsQL query, you can customize the report result. If users did not select “Time related attributes” in the query string, in that case the user selection query would be appended by default.
      For example: If a user only selects the alertType attributes, the query will automatically append with AND updatedTime > '-7d'
      The query will look like below:
      (alertType = “MONITORING”) AND updatedTime > ‘-7d’
  • Client Selection: You can select a single client/ All clients from the dropdown list. Only selected client data will get into the report.
  • Attributes Selection: Specify the attributes of the selected entities that you wish to include as columns in the report.
    • Default attributes: The default attributes (Alert Id, Object Name, Object Type, Ip Address, Subject, Metric, Current State, Created Time, Is Inference Alert, Inference Id) will be populated by default. User can modify/delete default attributes and select his required attributes to view in the report.
    • Only selected attributes related data will be included in the report. If no attributes are selected, the default attributes data will be included in the report.
    • You can customize the default attributes selection order by using the drag and drop functionality. You are allowed to select a maximum of 20 attributes.
  • Select Tags: Specify the custom attributes of selected entities to include columns in the report. You are allowed to select a maximum of 5 tags.
  • Supported Format: Reports are generated only in XLSX format.

Reports Output

Once the report is generated, it will consist of the following sections:

  • Summary: This section provides the configuration details.
  • Alerts and Inferences: This section presents a list of alerts and inferences that were triggered in your environment.
  • Inferences and Uncorrelated Alerts: Here, you will find a list of inferences and uncorrelated alerts that were triggered in your environment.
  • Glossary: This section contains detailed information about each section present in the report tab, helping you to understand the generated data better.

Sample of reports in XLSX format:

Reporting apps

Alert Report Vs Alert Listing Atrributes

Click here to view the supported attributes
Alert ReportAlert Listing
UI Atrributes SelectionDisplay Format In Report
Aler IDidId
Latest Update (IST)updatedTimeUpdated Time
Current StatuscurrentStateCurrent State
Partner Nameresource.partnerNamePartner Name
Client Nameresource.clientName, clientNameClient Name
Host Nameresource.hostNameHost Name
Alias Nameresource.aliasNameAlias Name
Device Stateresource.stateState
Host IPresource.ipAddress, ipAddressIp Address
Alert TypealertTypeAlert Type
Ticket IDincidentIdIncident Id
Occurrence CountrepeatCountRepeat Count
Elapsed Time (HH:MM:SS)elapsedTimeElapsed Time
Healed Time (HH:MM:SS)alertCriticalWarningDurationHealed Time
Created Time (IST)createdTimeCreated Time
Device IDresource.idResource Id
Event TypeisInferenceAlertIs Inference Alert
Action TakenstatusStatus
Device Maintenance WindowmaintenanceWindow.nameMaintenance Window Name
Device Pathresource.resourceTypePathResource Type Path
Device Typeresource.typeType
Device, deviceGroups.nameDevice Groups Name
Acknowledged BystatusHistory.acknowledgedByAcknowledged By
Acknowledged Time (IST)statusHistory.acknowledgedTimeAcknowledged Time
Created BystatusHistory.openByCreated By
Suppressed BystatusHistory.suppressedBySuppressed By
Suppressed Time (IST)statusHistory.suppressedTimeSuppressed Time
Ticketed BystatusHistory.ticketedByTicketed By
Ticketed Time (IST)statusHistory.ticketedTimeTicketed Time
Closed BystatusHistory.closedByClosed By
Closed Time (IST)statusHistory.closedTimeClosed Time
RBA InvokedN/AN/A
N/AalertDefinitionUUIDAlert Definition UUID
N/AclientIdClient Id
N/AcorrelatedAlertsCountCorrelated Alerts Count
N/Aresource.deviceGroups.uniqueIdDevice Groups UniqueId
N/AdeviceGroups.uniqueIdDevice Groups UniqueId
N/AdnsNameDns Name
N/AinferenceIdInference Id
N/AisAvailabilityAlertIs Availability Alert
N/AmaintenanceWindow.uniqueIdMaintenance Window UniqueId
N/AnocIdNoc Id
N/AnocNameNoc Name
N/AobjectIdObject Id
N/AobjectNameObject Name
N/AobjectTypeObject Type
N/AobservedModeObserved Mode
N/AoriginalStateOriginal State
N/ApartnerIdPartner Id
N/AproblemAreaProblem Area
N/ApromQLProm Q L
N/AresourceMaintenanceWindowIdResource Maintenance Window Id
N/AresourceTags.nameResourceTags Name
N/AresourceTags.valueResourceTags Value
N/AserviceGroups.nameServiceGroups Name
N/AserviceGroups.uniqueIdServiceGroups UniqueId
N/AserviceProviderIdService Provider Id
N/AstatusHistory.unAcknowledgedByUn Acknowledged By
N/AstatusHistory.unSuppressedByUn Suppressed By
N/AticketIdTicket Id
N/AviewNameView Name
N/AserviceGroups.idService Groups Id

Next Steps

Refer to the Installation documentation on how to install and configure the apps.