
With the Asset Inventory app, you can conveniently view a detailed list of all your resources. This comprehensive list provides extensive information about each resource, allowing you to gain valuable insights into your assets.

Configuration Parameters

  • Query: Use the query to select the entities that you wish to include in the report.
    • Default query: The default query { state=active and monitorable=true } will be populated by default when opens asset inventory app. User can able to modify/delete the default query and run his specific query.
    • Using an OpsQL query, you can customize the report result. If users did not select “state” and “monitorable” attributes in the query string, in that case the user selection query would be appended by default with “state” and “monitorable” attributes.
      For example: if a user only selects the agentInstalled attribute, the query will automatically append state = ‘active’ AND monitorable = true
      The query will look like as below:
      state = “active” AND monitorable = “true” AND (agentInstalled = “xxxxxx”)
  • Client Selection: You can select a single client/ All clients from the dropdown list. Only selected client data will get into the report.
  • Attributes Selection: Specify the attributes of the selected entities that you wish to include as columns in the report.
    • Default attributes: The default attributes (Id, Resource Name, Make, Type, Native Type) will be populated by default. User can modify/delete the default attributes and select his required attributes to view in the report.
    • Only selected attributes related data will be included in the report. If no attributes are selected, the default attributes data will be included in the report.
    • You can customize the default attributes selection order by using the drag and drop functionality. You are allowed to select a maximum of 20 attributes.
  • Select Tags: Specify the custom attributes of selected entities to include columns in the report. You are allowed to select a maximum of 5 tags.
  • Supported Format: Reports are generated only in XLSX format.

Reports Output

Once the report is generated, it will consist of the following sections:

  • Summary: This section provides the configuration details.
  • Details: This section provides you the details of your resources.
  • Glossary: This section contains detailed information about each section present in the report tab, helping you to understand the generated data better.

Sample of reports in XLSX format:

Reporting apps

Inventory Report Vs Asset Inventory Attributes

Click here to view the supported attributes
Inventory ReportAsset Inventory
UI Atrributes SelectionDisplay Format In Report
Device IDidId
Device NamenameName
Instance IDmoIdInstance ID
IP_AddressipAddressIp Address
Device PathresourceTypePathResource Type Path
First Created DatecreatedFirst Created Date
Serial_NumberserialNumberSerial Number
Processor_Namecpu.processorNameProcessor Name
Drive Total Space(GB)logicalDiskDrive.driveTotalSpaceDrive Total Space(GB)
Physical_MemoryphysicalMemoryPhysical Memory
OS_VersionsoftwareVersionSoftware Version
Disk CaptionlogicalDiskDrive.driveCaptionDrive Caption
Disk NamelogicalDiskDrive.driveNameDrive Name
Drive Free Space(GB)logicalDiskDrive.driveFreeSpaceDrive Free Space(GB)
Is_Agent_Installed?agentInstalledAgent Installed
Device_Group(s)deviceGroups.nameDeviceGroups Name
Created_SourcecreatedSourceCreated Source
Last_Updated_timelastUpdatedLast Updated
Last Discovered TimelastDiscoveredLast Discovered
MAC AddressmacAddressMAC Address
Device StatestateState
Application NameavailableAppNameAvailable App Name
Firmware VersionfirmwareVersionFirmware Version
Client NameclientNameClient Name
Agent VersionagentVersionAgent Version
Interface NamenetworkCardDetails.ifNameInterface Name
Interface DescriptionnetworkCardDetails.ifDescriptionInterface Description
Interface Alias NamenetworkCardDetails.ifAliasInterface Alias Name
Interface MAC AddressnetworkCardDetails.macAddressInterface MAC Address
Interface IPaddressnetworkCardDetails.ipAddressInterface IPaddress
Interface Speed (Mbps)networkCardDetails.speedInterface Speed
Alias NamealiasNameAlias Name
Consolesconsoles.typeConsoles Type
Resource TyperesourceTypeResource Type
Profile NamemanagementProfileNameManagement Profile Name
Admin StatusnetworkCardDetails.adminStatusAdmin Status
Agent ConnectivityagentConnectivityAgent Connectivity
Proxy NameagentProxyNameAgent Proxy Name
Operational StatusoperationalStatusOperational Status
Alternate IPalternateIpAddressAlternate Ip Address
DNS NamednsNameDNS Name
Gateway ModelgatewayModelGateway Model
Unique IDN/AN/A
Scan DateN/AN/A
Domain RoleN/AN/A
Logged In UserN/AN/A
DHCP_EnablednetworkCardDetails.dhcpEnabledDHCP Enabled
Application VersionN/AN/A
Hardware VersionhardwareVersionHardware Version
DRAC IPdracCards.ipAddressDRAC IP
Warranty_Expiry_DatewarrantyExpirationDateWarranty Expiry Date
Warranty Lapse Within(Days)N/AN/A
Agent TypeN/AN/A
Agent Release VersionN/AN/A
Cloud Integration NameN/AN/A
Gateway VersionN/AN/A
Software RevisionN/AN/A
Gateway Profile IP AddressagentProxyIpAddressGateway Profile IP Address
Profile TypeN/AN/A
Is Cloud Instance?N/AN/A
Provider NameN/AN/A
Last Scanned StatusN/AN/A
Cloud Trail Configs (IST)N/AN/A
Cloud Watch Alarm Configs (IST)N/AN/A
AWS Events ConfigsN/AN/A
Azure Events ConfigsN/AN/A
N/AexternalOrganization.idExt Client ID
N/AaccountNumberAccount Number
N/AagentAvailableAppNameAgent Available App Name
N/AagentDeployTimeAgent Installation Time
N/AagentInstalledAppNameAgent Installed App Name
N/AapprovedPatchCountApproved Patch Count
N/AavailabilityStateAvailability State
N/AclientIdClient Id
N/AcloudInstanceStateCloud Instance State
N/Adevicegroups.uniqueIdDeviceGroups UniqueId
N/AdiscoveryProfileIdDiscovery Profile Id
N/AentityTypeEntity Type
N/AfailedPatchCountFailed Patch Count
N/AgatewayFirmwareVersionGateway Firmware Version
N/AgatewayIdGateway Id
N/AgatewayLastRegRequestTimeGateway Last Reg Request Time
N/AgatewayNameGateway Name
N/AhasMissingHas Missing
N/AhasRelationshipHas Relationship
N/AhostNameHost Name
N/AinstalledAppNameInstalled App Name
N/AinstalledPatchCountInstalled Patch Count
N/AinternalIdInternal Id
N/AlocationUuidLocation Uuid
N/AmanagementProfileIdManagement Profile Id
N/AmanagementProfileRegisteredManagement Profile Registered
N/AmissingPatchCountMissing Patch Count
N/AnativeTypeNative Type
N/AncmPolicyExistsNcm Policy Exists
N/AncmPolicyNameNcm Policy Name
N/AncmPolicyUniqueIdNcm Policy Unique Id
N/AnetworkConfigBackupJobNetwork Config Backup Job
N/AosTypeOs Type
N/AparentResourceTypeParent Resource Type
N/ApartnerIdPartner Id
N/ApartnerNamePartner Name
N/ApatchConfIdPatch Conf Id
N/ApatchConfJobIdPatch Conf Job Id
N/ApatchJobIdPatch Job Id
N/AresourceNameResource Name
N/AresourceTypeDisplayNameResource Type Display Name
N/ArootLocationRoot Location
N/AsendLogsSend Logs
N/AserviceGroups.nameServiceGroups Name
N/AserviceGroups.uniqueIdServiceGroups UniqueId
N/AserviceProviderIdService Provider Id
N/Atags.nameTags Name
N/Atags.valueTags Value
N/AagentLastConnectedAgent Last Connected
N/AagentPlatformAgent Platform
N/Acpu.numberOfCoresCpu NumberOfCores
N/AdiscoveredAppNameDiscovered App Name
N/AmanagementProfileInternalIdManagement Profile Internal Id
N/AsyntheticTypeSynthetic Type
N/AconnectionStatusConnection Status
N/ApowerStatePower State

Next Steps

Refer to the Installation documentation on how to install and configure the apps.