
The Patch Details app provides you the detailed patch information. For each resource, this will show which patches were missing, installed, approved, failed, blacklisted, whitelisted, and excluded. This app supports to query the patches by resource or patch attributes. For this the Query builder has the option to switch between resource and patch OpsQl.
It supports at both Partner/Client level user accounts.

Configuration Parameters

The patch details app can be configured in two ways: by selecting the RESOURCE or by SEARCHPATCH options.

Configure by selecting RESOURCE option

  • Add Query:
    • Default query: The default query ( agentInstalled = “true” AND state = “active” AND monitorable = “true” ) will be populated by default when the patch details app opens. Users are able to modify/delete the default query and run this specific query.
    • Using an OpsQL query, you can customize the report result. If users did not select “state” and “monitorable” attributes in the query string, in that case the user selection query would be appended by default with “state” and “monitorable” attributes.
      For example: if a user only selects the resource.agentInstalled attribute, the query will automatically append state = ‘active’ AND monitorable = true

      The query will look like as below:
      (resource.agentInstalled = “true”) AND state = ‘active’ AND monitorable = true
  • Client Selection: You can select a single Client / All Clients from the dropdown list. Only selected client data will get into the report.
  • Status Selection: Choose the patch status from the drop down list for which you want to generate the report. The user can select single/multi/all options from the list.
  • Category Selection: The user can choose the type of category from a drop down list. From the list, you can select single/multi/all options.
    The categories are as follows: critical, feature packs, security, updates, and update rollups.
  • Supported Analysis Period: Supported analysis periods are: Last 24 hours, 7 days, Last month, Last 3 months, and specific period.
  • Attributes Selection:
    • Default attributes: The default attributes (resource.ipAddress, searchpatch.category etc.) will be populated by default. Users can modify/delete default attributes and select the required attributes to view in the report.
    • Only selected attributes related data will be included in the report. If no attributes are selected, the default attributes data will be included in the report. The user can select a maximum of 20 attributes.
      The attributes are related with both SEARCHPATCH and RESOURCE.
    • You can customize the default attributes selection order by using the drag and drop functionality.
  • Select Tags: Specify the custom attributes of selected entities to include columns in the report. You are allowed to select a maximum of 5 tags.
  • Formats: Reports are generated only in XLSX format.

Configure by selecting SEARCHPATCH option

  • Add Query:
    • Default query: The default query ( patchStatus = “MISSING” AND scanTime >= “-7d” ) will be populated by default when the patch details app opens. Users are able to modify/delete the default query and run this specific query.
    • If users did not select any “patchStatus” and patch date fields(ex: approvedTime, installedTime, scanTime) attributes in the query string, in that case the user selection query would be appended by default with “patchStatus” and patch date fields(installedTime, scanTime) attributes.
      For example: if a user only selects the approvedUser attribute, then the query will automatically append patchStatus = ‘Missing’ AND ((scanTime >= ‘-7d’) OR (installedTime >= ‘-7d’))

      The query will look like as below:
      (approvedUser = ‘Username’) AND (patchStatus = ‘Missing’) AND ((scanTime >= ‘-7d’) OR (installedTime >= ‘-7d’))
  • Client Selection: You can select a single Client / All Client from the dropdown list. Only selected client data will get into the report.
  • Attributes Selection:
    • Default attributes: The default attributes (resource.ipAddress, searchpatch.category etc.) will be populated by default. Users can modify/delete default attributes and select the required attributes to view in the report.
    • Only selected attributes related data will be included in the report. If no attributes are selected, the default attributes data will be included in the report. The user can select a maximum of 20 attributes.
      The attributes are related with both SEARCHPATCH and RESOURCE.
  • Select Tags: Specify the custom attributes of selected entities to include columns in the report. You are allowed to select a maximum of 5 tags.
  • Formats: Reports are generated only in XLSX format.

Reports Output

Once the report is generated, it will consist of the following sections:

  • Summary: In this section, see the configuration details.
  • Glossary: This section contains detailed information about each section present in the report tab, helping you to understand the generated data better.

Sample of reports in XLSX format:

Reporting apps

Patch Report Vs Patch Details Atrributes

Click here to view the supported attributes
Patch ReportPatch Details
UI Attributes Selection (Resource)UI Attributes Selection (Search Patch)Display Format In Report (Headers)
Partner NamepartnerNameresource.partnerNamePartner Name
Client NameclientName, searchpatch.clientNameresource.clientName, clientNameClient Name
Device Namenameresource.nameResource Name
Device Typetyperesource.typeResource Type
OpsRamp Agent VersionagentVersionresource.agentVersionAgent Version
IP AddressipAddressresource.ipAddressIp Address
Patch Namesearchpatch.namenamePatch Name
Release Datesearchpatch.releaseDatereleaseDateRelease Date
Installed Timesearchpatch.installedTimeinstalledTimeInstalled Time
Approved Bysearchpatch.approvedUserapprovedUserApproved User
Approved Timesearchpatch.approvedTimeapprovedTimeApproved Time
Installed Resultsearchpatch.installedResultinstalledResultInstalled Result
Patch Ratingsearchpatch.ratingTyperatingTypeRating Type
KBIDsearchpatch.externalIdexternalIdExternal Id/KBID
Approval Statussearchpatch.approvalStatusapprovalStatusApproval Status
Operating Systemosresource.osOperating System
Install Statussearchpatch.installedStatusinstalledStatusInstalled Status
Recent Patch Statussearchpatch.patchStatuspatchStatusPatch Status
Restart Requiredsearchpatch.rebootRequiredrebootRequiredReboot Required
Scan Datesearchpatch.scanTimescanTimeScan Time
Device Ididresource.idId
Device Group NamedeviceGroups.nameresource.deviceGroups.nameResource Group Name
Site Namelocationresource.locationSite Name
Job NamepatchConfNameresource.patchConfNamePatch Install Job Name
Installed Bysearchpatch.installedApplicationNameinstalledApplicationNameInstalled By
OpsRamp Agent StatusN/AN/AN/A
Patch Scan ScheduleN/AN/AN/A
Last Patch Scan DateN/AN/AN/A
Patch Install Policy and ScheduleN/AN/AN/A
Last Patch Install DateN/AN/AN/A
Total Patches Installed on DeviceN/AN/AN/A
Currently Approved Missing PatchesN/AN/AN/A
Currently Unapproved Missing PatchesN/AN/AN/A
Missing Security PatchesN/AN/AN/A
Missing Critical PatchesN/AN/AN/A
Missing Other Patches CountN/AN/AN/A
Instance IdN/AN/AN/A
Total Approved Patches CountN/AN/AN/A
Cloud Integration NameN/AN/AN/A
Patch Failure ReasonN/AN/AN/A
N/AAccount Numberresource.accountNumberAccount Number
N/AAgent Available App Nameresource.agentAvailableAppNameAgent Available App Name
N/AAgent Deploy Timeresource.agentDeployTimeAgent Deploy Time
N/AAgent Installedresource.agentInstalledAgent Installed
N/AAgent Installed App Nameresource.agentInstalledAppNameAgent Installed App Name
N/AAlias Nameresource.aliasNameAlias Name
N/AAlternate Ip Addressresource.alternateIpAddressAlternate Ip Address
N/AApproved Patch Countresource.approvedPatchCountApproved Patch Count
N/AAvailability Stateresource.availabilityStateAvailability State
N/AAvailable App Nameresource.availableAppNameAvailable App Name
N/AClient Idresource.clientIdClient Id
N/ACloud Instance Stateresource.cloudInstanceStateCloud Instance State
N/AResource Group Unique Idresource.deviceGroups.uniqueIdResource Group Unique Id
N/ADiscovery Profile Idresource.discoveryProfileIdDiscovery Profile Id
N/ADns Nameresource.dnsNameDns Name
N/AEntity Typeresource.entityTypeEntity Type
N/AFailed Patch Countresource.failedPatchCountFailed Patch Count
N/AGateway Firmware Versionresource.gatewayFirmwareVersionGateway Firmware Version
N/AGateway Idresource.gatewayIdGateway Id
N/AGateway Last Reg Request Timeresource.gatewayLastRegRequestTimeGateway Last Reg Request Time
N/AGateway Modelresource.gatewayModelGateway Model
N/AGateway Nameresource.gatewayNameGateway Name
N/AHas Missingresource.hasMissingHas Missing
N/AHas Relationshipresource.hasRelationshipHas Relationship
N/AHost Nameresource.hostNameHost Name
N/AInternal Idresource.internalIdInternal Id
N/AInstalled App Nameresource.installedAppNameInstalled App Name
N/AInstalled Patch Countresource.installedPatchCountInstalled Patch Count
N/AInternal Idresource.internalIdInternal Id
N/ALast Updatedresource.lastUpdatedLast Updated
N/ALocation Uuidresource.locationUuidLocation Uuid
N/AMac Addressresource.macAddressMac Address
N/AManagement Profile Idresource.managementProfileIdManagement Profile Id
N/AManagement Profile Nameresource.managementProfileNameManagement Profile Name
N/AManagement Profile Registeredresource.managementProfileRegisteredManagement Profile Registered
N/AMissing Patch Countresource.missingPatchCountMissing Patch Count
N/AMo Idresource.moIdMo Id
N/ANative Typeresource.nativeTypeNative Type
N/ANcm Policy Existsresource.ncmPolicyExistsNcm Policy Exists
N/ANcm Policy Nameresource.ncmPolicyNameNcm Policy Name
N/ANcm Policy Unique Idresource.ncmPolicyUniqueIdNcm Policy Unique Id
N/ANetwork Config Backup Jobresource.networkConfigBackupJobNetwork Config Backup Job
N/AOs Typeresource.osTypeOs Type
N/AParent Resource Typeresource.parentResourceTypeParent Resource Type
N/APartner Idresource.partnerIdPartner Id
N/APatch Conf Idresource.patchConfIdPatch Conf Id
N/APatch Conf Job Idresource.patchConfJobIdPatch Conf Job Id
N/APatch Job Idresource.patchJobIdPatch Job Id
N/AResource Nameresource.resourceNameResource Name
N/AResource Type Display Nameresource.resourceTypeDisplayNameResource Type Display Name
N/AResource Type Pathresource.resourceTypePathResource Type Path
N/ARoot Locationresource.rootLocationRoot Location
N/ASend Logsresource.sendLogsSend Logs
N/ASerial Numberresource.serialNumberSerial Number
N/AService Group Nameresource.serviceGroups.nameService Group Name
N/AService Group Unique Idresource.serviceGroups.uniqueIdService Group Unique Id
N/AserviceProviderIdresource.serviceProviderIdService Provider Id
N/Atags.nameresource.tags.nameTag Name
N/Atags.valueresource.tags.valueTag Value
N/Asearchpatch.clientIdclientIdClient Id
N/AClient Uidsearchpatch.clientUidClient Uid
N/Asearchpatch.depCountdepCountDep Count
N/Asearchpatch.excludedUserexcludedUserExcluded User
N/Asearchpatch.hasDependencyhasDependencyHas Dependency
N/Asearchpatch.partnerIdpartnerIdPartner Id
N/Asearchpatch.partnerUidpartnerUidPartner Uid
N/Asearchpatch.patchIdpatchIdPatch Id
N/Asearchpatch.patchInternalIdpatchInternalIdPatch Internal Id
N/Asearchpatch.ratedUserLoginNameratedUserLoginNameRated User Login Name
N/Asearchpatch.ratingIdratingIdRating Id
N/Asearchpatch.ratingOrgIdratingOrgIdRating Org Id
N/Asearchpatch.ratingUserUidratingUserUidRating User Uid
N/Asearchpatch.uIduIdPatch Id
N/Asearchpatch.resourceIdresourceIdResource Id
N/ApatchConfig.rebootRequiredN/APatch Config Reboot Required
N/ApatchNextTriggerresource.patchNextTriggerNext Patch Schedule Time

Next Steps

Refer to the Installation documentation on how to install and configure the apps.