
With the Ticket Details app, you can get detailed information about the progression of your ITSM tickets over the specified time period. 

Configuration Parameters

  • Query: Use the query to select the entities that you wish to include in the report.
    • Default query: The default query {status IN (“Open”, “New”) AND createdTime >= “-7d”} will be populated by default when opens Ticket Details app. User can be able to modify/delete the default query and run his specific query.
    • Using an OpsQL query, you can customize the report result. If users did not select any time related attributes, then we append “createdTime” attribute in the query string.

      For example: If a user only selects the internalId attribute, the query will automatically append createdTime >= “-7d”
      The query will look like as below:
      (internalId = xxxxxx) AND createdTime >= “-7d”
  • Client Selection: You can select a single client/ All clients from the dropdown list. Only selected client data will get into the report.
  • Attributes Selection: Specify the attributes of the selected entities that you wish to include as columns in the report.
    • Default attributes: The default attributes (Id, Subject, status, priority, ticketType etc.) will be populated by default. User can modify/delete the default attributes and select his required attributes to view in the report.
      You can select max 20 attributes at once.
    • Only selected attributes related data will be included in the report. If no attributes are selected, the default attributes data will be included in the report.
    • You can customize the default attributes selection order by using the drag and drop functionality.
  • Supported Format: Reports are generated only in XLSX format.

Reports Output

Once the report is generated, it will consist of the following sections:

  • Summary: This section provides the configuration details.
  • Details: This section provides detailed information about your ITSM tickets.
  • Glossary: This section contains detailed information about each section present in the report tab, helping you to understand the generated data better.

Sample of reports in XLSX format:

Reporting apps

Tickets Report Vs Ticket Details Atrributes

Click here to view the supported attributes
Tickets ReportTicket Details
UI Atrributes SelectionDisplay Format In Report
Alert IdalertIdsAlert Ids
Approval StateapprovalStateApproval State
Assigned ToassigneeAssignee
Assignee GroupassigneeGroupAssignee Group
ClientclientNameClient Name
Closed Date ( IST )closedDateClosed Date
CreatorcreatedByCreated By
Due Date ( IST )dueDateDue Date
External IdextTicketIdExt Ticket Id
Last Updated BylastUpdatedByLast Updated By
Last Updated Time ( IST )updatedTimeUpdated Time
Latest Priority Updated BypriorityUpdatedByLatest Priority Updated By
Latest Status Updated BystatusUpdatedByLatest Status Updated By
Old PriorityoldPriorityOld Priority
Old StatusoldStatusOld Status
PartnerpartnerNamePartner Name
Planned End Time ( IST )plannedEndDatePlanned End Date
Planned Start Time ( IST )plannedStartDatePlanned Start Date
Reopen CountreopenCountReopen Count
Request IDidTicket Id
Resolution BreachresolutionBreachResolution Breach
Resolution SummaryresolutionSummaryResolution Summary
Resolution Time (HH:MM:SS)resolutionTimeResolution Time (HH:MM:SS)
Resolved Date ( IST )resolvedDateResolved Date
Response BreachresponseBreachResponse Breach
Response Time (HH:MM:SS)responseTimeResponse Time (HH:MM:SS)
Root CauserootCauseRoot Cause
SLA NameslaPolicySLA Policy Name
Source Policy TypesourcePolicyTypeSource Policy Type
Sub-CategorysubCategorySub Category
Ticket TypeticketTypeTicket Type
Work AroundworkaroundWorkaround
Absolute Resolution Time ( IST )N/AN/A
Absolute Response Time ( IST )N/AN/A
Approved ByN/AN/A
Approved On ( IST )N/AN/A
Device NameN/AN/A
Requested Date ( IST )N/AN/A
Raised ByN/AN/A
Resolution ReasonN/AN/A
Resolution Time(mins)N/AN/A
Resolved ByN/AN/A
Response Time(mins)N/AN/A
Status FlowN/AN/A
Time From Alert To TicketN/AN/A
N/AbusinessImpactBusiness Impact
N/AchangeUniqueIdChange Unique Id
N/AclientUidClient Uid
N/AcreatedTimeCreated Time
N/ApartnerIdPartner Id
N/ApartnerUidPartner Uid
N/AproblemUniqueIdProblem Unique Id
N/AworkStartDateWork Start Date
N/AworkEndDateWork End Date

Next Steps

Refer to the Installation documentation on how to install and configure the apps.