This section describes how to deploy gateway as a virtual machine using OVA image on VMware ESXi Host using vSphere client.

OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) is only applicable for the Kubernetes environment and Ubuntu/Linux operating system.


To deploy a NextGen cluster in your kubernetes environment, make sure your environment meets these requirements:

  • 8 GB Memory
  • 50 GB Disk
  • 4 Core of CPU
  • AMD64 Arch

Step 1: Download the NextGen Gateway OVA

Follow these steps to download the nextgen gateway OVA:

  1. From All Clients, select a client.

  2. Go to Setup > Integration and Apps.

  3. To find the Collector Profile, either use the search button or select “Other” from the Categories menu.

ISO download
  1. Click + ADD on the GATEWAY COLLECTOR PROFILES page. The ADD GATEWAY COLLECTOR PROFILES page displays all the available gateway collectors.
ISO download
  1. Enter a Profile Name and click the VIRTUAL APPLIANCE (OVA) NEXTGEN tile.

  2. Click NEXT.

  3. Click the VIRTUAL APPLIANCE (OVA) tile. This downloads the OVA image OpsRampGateway.ova to your local computer.

OVA download
  1. Once you have downloaded the gateway, proceed to step 2 to install the gateway.

Step 2: Install Nextgen Gateway OVA as a Virtual Machine

Click here to know how to install gateway as a virtual machine using OVA image on VMware ESXi server.

Step 3: Update Hostname and Install Kubernetes

Click here to know how to update hostname and install kubernetes on host.

Step 4: Register the Gateway Collector

Click here to know how to activate the gateway collector.

Advanced configuration

For advanced configuration and instructions see Collector Bootstrap Tool documentation.