
Configuring synthetic monitors according to your requirement enhances synthetic security and stabilizes IT operations process flow.

  • Whitelist IP addresses for your location.
  • Assign a synthetic template.
    This is used to initiate synthetic monitoring using Assign Templates or Device Management Policies.
  • Set permissions for Device Create, Device Edit, Device View, and Device Manage to create, edit, view, and delete the configured synthetic monitors respectively.
  • Verify if the role assigned to you contains access to all resources. Otherwise, you cannot delete a synthetic monitor.

The attributes created after configuring a synthetic monitor provides more visibility regarding details, such as metrics, monitors, and availability log. z

Supported Synthetic Monitors

Create Synthetic Monitors

Before you create the monitor, enable the synthetic agent flag in Setup > Resources > Management Profile > Management Gateways > Synthetic. This flag is used to show your private locations.

Follow the below steps to configure a synthetic monitors:

  1. Select a client from the All Clients list.
  2. Select Infrastructure > Resources > Synthetics and click ADD.
  3. Select a synthetic monitor type from the Type drop-down menu. This action will open the Add Synthetic window.
  4. For example, if you select HTTPS, enter the following details to configure it:
    • Name: Unique name of the selected synthetic monitor. The value entered in the Name field must be unique. If the name is not unique, the screen displays an error message: Name Already Exists.
    • URL: Name of the URL that you want to monitor.
    • Locations: Locations from where you want to monitor the URL.
    • Authentication Type: Supported authentication types are Basic, NTLM, and OAuth. You need to enter the username and password after selecting the Authentication Type. The screen displays a confirmation message about the successful addition of the synthetic monitor.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click OK.

The Synthetics page displays the configured synthetic monitor.

Next Steps