Supported Collector Type |
Gateway |
Supported Target Versions |
---| |
Privilege | Description | Example |
CONNECT | Give user connect role before assigning privileges. | GRANT CONNECT TO MY_USER; |
SELECT ANY DICTIONARY | Minimum privilege to monitor all G2 templates. | GRANT SELECT ANY DICTIONARY TO MY_USER; |
This describes the discovery and monitoring setup for the Oracle database.
- Database and port(1521) can be accessed by the gateway.
- A gateway management profile mapped to a resource.
- Create credentials with type Database before assigning a template to a resource. The Port, Connection Time-out, and Is Secure values are not used to create credentials.
Database Discovery and Monitoring
The administrator can deploy an agent or gateway to support OracleDB agent-based or agentless monitoring.
Discovery using the gateway
The gateway establishes a connection to the database using the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Java API and collects metrics using SQL queries. To monitor an OracleDB, install gateway version 5.0.0 or later.
Use one of the following mechanisms to discover OracleDB servers to add them to your inventory:
Optionally, add a database server manually to the infrastructure inventory:
- Select Infrastructure and click Resources.
- Click the Settings icon on the top-right and click Add.
- On the Add Device page, enter the Device Type and any other information you want to enter.
- Click Save.
Prepare the device to start monitoring
- Associate appropriate database credentials to the discovered database.
- Assign one or more database-specific global monitors or templates on the device.
Optionally, create custom metrics or monitors using SQL queries and assign them to the database.
To track monitoring of OracleDB database in your cloud environment, see Monitoring Cloud Database using Gateway.
Create custom metrics
To create a metric using SQL query for OracleDB monitoring, navigate to Monitoring > Metrics > Create Metric. For example, to create a metric to check the DB instance use:
For more information, see Create a Metric.
Note: When creating a custom metric using SQL query, do not add or append semicolon(; ) at the end of the query. |
Assign templates from setup
Assign OracleDB templates to one or more resources for a selected client and change the configuration parameters while assigning templates. For more information, see Assign Templates from Setup.
Assign templates at the device level
Applying Oracle templates at the device level helps assign one or more templates to a specific resource. You can change the configuration parameter default values while assigning the templates. For more information, see Assign Templates at the Device Level.
Template configuration parameters:
Configuration Parameter | Description |
Connection Time-out | The maximum time to connect to the database. The driver waits for the specified time before timing out due to connection failure. The default time is 15000 milliseconds(ms). |
Service Transport Type | To configure the database at a secure end-point. The default type is In-secure. The connection is Secure when the data sent between the client and server is encrypted. |
Service Port | The port number where the database is running. The connection is made to the specified port if you specify the port and the database name. The default port is 1521. |
DB Instance Name | The name of the database to connect to. The default name is root.
Application Type | The application type value to identify the adapter. For example, ORACLE_DB. Warning: Do not change the default application type value. |
Assign Template from Device Management Policies
Device management policies help manage resources. You can assign monitoring templates, knowledge base articles, and custom attributes using device management policies. The device management policy can be applied to one or a set of resources. For more information, see Create Policies.
View Resource Metrics
The gateway monitors the application using the assigned templates and displays the results in graphical format. To view resource metrics, click the database resource name > resource Details > Metrics.

If you have OracleDB monitoring issues, verify gateway, telnet, and database connectivity:
ping <IP Address>
telnet <IP Address> <Port>
db <Database Type> <IP Address> <User Name> <Password> <Port> <Database Name/instanceName> <Connect Timeout> <ReadTimeout> <Secure Flag> <Query>
Beginning with gateway version 5.3.0, use the following format for the laset, including the result-set:
db <Database Type> <IP Address> <User Name> <Password> <Port> <Database Name/instanceName> <Connect Timeout> <Read Timeout> <Secure Flag> <ResultSet?: Yes/No> <Query>
Note: If instance connection type is servicename, then instead of <Database Name/instanceName>
mention as <instanceName>:servicename
in the above query.
Supported Templates
Collector Type | Template Name |
Gateway | G2-OracleDB-Database Monitoring |
G2-OracleDB-Database backups | |
G2-OracleDB-Database scheduled jobs | |
G2-OracleDB-Database locking | |
G2-OracleDB-ASM Availability | |
G2-OracleDB-Database Space Usage | |
G2-OracleDB-ARCHIVER | |
G2-OracleDB-Password Security | |
G2-OracleDB-Alert Log Status | |
G2-OracleDB-Listener SID Availability | |
G2-OracleDB-Monitored License Used Status | |
G2-OracleDB-Database Resource Usage | |
G2-OracleDB-Listener | |
G2-OracleDB-DataGuard | |
G2-OracleDB-Sessions - v3.0 | |
G2-OracleDB-Oracle Library Stats - v2.0 | |
G2-OracleDB-Oracle Memory - v2.0 | |
G2-OracleDB-Performance - v2.0 | |
G2-OracleDB-Sessions - v2.0 | |
G2-OracleDB-System Stats - v2.0 | |
G2-OracleDB-System Summary - v2.0 | |
G2-OracleDB-Table Space - v2.0 - v2.0 |
Supported Metrics
Metric | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle_asm_alertlog_size | Oracle ASM AlertLog Size | megabytes(MB) | This metric monitors the disk used space (in MB) by ASM alert log |
Oracle_database_archivelog_total_usage | Oracle Database Archive Log Total Usage | Gigabytes(GB) | This metric monitors the total size (in GB) of Archive log |
Oracle_database_archfile_usage | Oracle Database ArchFile Usage | Megabytes(MB) | This metric monitors the size (in MB) of each Arch file |
Oracle_database_datafile_availability | Oracle Database Datafile Availability | This metric monitors the datafile availability. Below are the possible values: 1 - AVAILABLE 2 - INVALID | |
Oracle_database_invalid_objects | Oracle Database Invalid Objects | This metric displays invalid objects available or not | |
Oracle_database_locked_critical_users | Oracle Database Locked Critical Users | This metric monitors the locked critical users information | |
Oracle_database_backup_mode | Oracle Database Backup Mode | This metric monitors the oracle database backup mode like Active or InActive | |
Oracle_database_archivegap_detection | Oracle Database Archive Gap Detection | This metric monitors the Archive GAP detection | |
Oracle_asm_diskgroup_type | Oracle ASM Disk Group Type | This metric displays the type of the ASM disk group | |
Oracle_asm_disk_mode_status | Oracle Database Restore Point Guarantee Flashback Status | Monitors the Oracle DB backup restore point Guarantee Flashback DB Status. Below are the possible values: YES - 1 NO - 0 | |
Oracle_database_daysSinceLastRestorePoint | Oracle Database Days Since Last Restore Point | Days | Monitors the age (In Days) of last successful restore point |
Oracle_database_restorePoint_GuaranteeFlashback_Status | Oracle Database Restore Point Guarantee Flashback Status | Monitors the Oracle DB backup restore point Guarantee Flashback DB Status. Below are the possible values: YES - 1 NO - 0 | |
oracle_database_daysSinceLastRestorePoint | Oracle Database Days Since Last Restore Point | Days | Monitors the age (In Days) of last successful restore point |
Oracle_database_blockCorruption_count | Oracle Database Block Corruption Count | Count | Monitors the count of block corruption in Oracle DB |
Oracle_database_blockCorruption_type | Oracle Database Block Corruption Type | Monitor the type of block corruption in Oracle DB | |
Oracle_database_undoUnexpired_count | Oracle Database Undo Unexpired Count | Count | Monitors the count of Undo Unexpired in Oracle DB |
Oracle_database_indexLogging_count | Oracle Database Index Logging Count | Count | Monitors the count of Index logging in Oracle DB |
Oracle_database_licenseOptionUsage_status | Oracle Database License Option Usage Status | Monitors the Oracle DB License Option Usage Status: Below are the possible values: YES - 1 NO - 0 | |
Oracle_database_redoLog_status | Oracle Database RedoLog Status | Monitors the status of each redo log. Below are the possible values: FileInUse (File is in use) - 0 INVALID (File is inaccessible) - 1 STALE (File's contents are incomplete) - 2 DELETED (File is no longer used) - 3 | |
Oracle_database_backup_archive Monitors the status of the Oracle Database Archive Backup DaysAgo | Oracle Database Archive Backup DaysAgo | Days | |
Oracle_database_backup_full Monitors the status of the Oracle Database Full Backup DaysAgo | Oracle Database Archive Backup DaysAgo | Days | |
Oracle_database_backup_usermanaged Monitors the status of the Oracle Database User Managed Backup DaysAgo | Oracle Database User Managed Backup DaysAgo | Days | |
Oracle_database_backup_incremental Monitors the status of the Oracle Database Incremental Backup DaysAgo | Oracle Database Incremental Backup DaysAgo | Days | |
Oracle_database_backup_rman Monitors the status of the Oracle Database RMAN Backup DaysAgo | Oracle Database RMAN Backup DaysAgo | Days | |
Oracle_database_scheduler_jobs_status Monitors the status of the Oracle Database Scheduler Jobs Status | Oracle Database Scheduler Jobs Status | ||
Oracle_database_dbmsjobs_failure_count Monitors the status of the Oracle Database DBMS Jobs Failure Count | Oracle Database DBMS Jobs Failure Count | Count | |
Oracle_database_autotask_job_status Monitors the status of the Oracle Database AutoTask Job Status | Oracle Database AutoTask Job Status | ||
Oracle_database_lockedusers_status Monitors the status of the Oracle Database Locked Users Status | Oracle Database Locked Users Status | ||
Oracle_blocking_session_count Monitors the status of the Oracle Blocking Session Count | Oracle Blocking Session Count | Count | |
Oracle_asm_disk_status Monitors the status of the Oracle ASM Disk Status | Oracle ASM Disk Status | ||
Oracle_asm_diskgroup_status Monitors the status of the Oracle ASM DiskGroup Status | Oracle ASM DiskGroup Status | ||
Oracle_asm_acfs_status Monitors the Oracle ASM ACFS Status | Oracle ASM ACFS Status | ||
Oracle_asm_diskgroup_utilization Monitors the status of the Oracle ASM DiskGroup Space Utilization | Oracle ASM DiskGroup Space Utilization | % | |
Oracle_asm_diskgroup_utilization Monitors the status of the Oracle ASM DiskGroup Space Utilization | Oracle ASM DiskGroup Space Utilization | % | |
Oracle_database_required_mirror_freespace Monitors the status of the Oracle Database Including different redundancy requirements (Safely usable data usage) | Oracle Database Required Mirror Free Space | MB | |
Oracle_database_safelyusable_diskspace Monitors the status of the Oracle Database Including safely usable disk space on different redundancy (Safely usable data usage) | Oracle Database Safely Usable Disk Space | MB | |
Oracle_database_tablespace_usedPercent Monitor the Oracle table space used percent | Oracle Database Tablespace Used Percent | % | |
Oracle_database_flash_recovery_usage Flash recovery usage (in MB) of the oracle database | Oracle Database Flash Recovery Usage | MB | |
Oracle_database_flashback_log_usage FlashBack Log usage in percent | Oracle Database FlashBack Log Usage | % | |
Oracle_database_flashback_log_usage FlashBack Log usage in percent | Oracle Database FlashBack Log Usage | % | |
Oracle_database_recoveryDest_used_percentage Oracle Database Recovery Destination usage in Percent | Oracle Database RecoveryDest Used Percentage | % | |
Oracle_database_recoveryDest_size Oracle Database Recovery Destination Size in MB | Oracle Database RecoveryDest Size | MB | |
Oracle_database_recoveryDest_used_sizeoracle_database_recoveryDest_size Oracle Database Recovery Destination Used Size in MB | Oracle Database RecoveryDest Used Size | MB | |
Oracle_database_component_status Oracle Database DBA Registry Component Status. Below are the possible values: INVALID - 0 VALID - 1 LOADING - 2 LOADED - 3 UPGRADING - 4 UPGRADED - 5 DOWNGRADING - 6 DOWNGRADED - 7 REMOVING - 8 REMOVED - 9 | Oracle Database Component Status | ||
Oracle_database_archiveLogMode Monitors the archive log mode of the instance. Below are the possible values: 0 - NOARCHIVELOG 1 - ARCHIVELOG 2 - MANUAL | Oracle Database Archive Log Mode | ||
Oracle_database_password_expiry_Days Monitors the users password expiry in days | Oracle Database Password Expiry Days | Days | |
Oracle_database_users_default_password Monitors the count of users which are using default password | Oracle Database Users Default Password | Count | |
Oracle_database_alertLog_availability Monitors the alert log availability of given instances. Below are the possible values: 0 - Not Available 1 - Available | Oracle Database Alert Log Availability | ||
Oracle_database_alertLog_writeAccessibility Monitors the alert log write accessibility of given instances. Below are the possible values: 0 - Not Accessible 1 - Accessible | Oracle Database Alert Log Write Accessibility | ||
Oracle_database_alertLog_readAccessibility Monitors the alert log read accessibility of given instances. Below are the possible values: 0 - Not Accessible 1 - Accessible | Oracle Database Alert Log Read Accessibility | ||
Oracle_database_listenerSID_availability Monitors the oracle database listener SID availability status: Below are the possible values: 1 - Available 0 - Unavailable | Oracle Database Listener SID Availability | ||
Oracle_database_monitoredLicense_Usedstatus It provides an oracle monitored license list with currently used status. Below are the possible values: TRUE: 0 FALSE: 1 | Oracle Database Monitored License Used Status | ||
Oracle_database_resource_process_limit Oracle Database Resource Process Limit | Oracle Database Resource Process Limit | Count | |
Oracle_database_resource_session_limit Oracle Database Resource Session Limit | Oracle Database Resource Session Limit | Count | |
Oracle_database_listener_service_status Oracle Database Listener Service Status | Oracle Database Listener Service Status | ||
Oracle_database_local_listener_status Oracle Database Local Listener Status | Oracle Database Local Listener Status | ||
Oracle_database_all_listener_status Oracle Database All Listener Status | Oracle Database All Listener Status | ||
Oracle_database_listener_status_with_nodes Oracle Database Listener Status With Nodes | Oracle Database Listener Status With Nodes | ||
Oracle_database_scan_listener_status Oracle Database Scan Listener Status | Oracle Database Scan Listener Status | ||
Oracle_database_listener_availability Oracle Database Listener Availability | Oracle Database Listener Availability | ||
Oracle_dg_database_role_change_withDGB Oracle DataGuard DB Role Change with DataGuard Broker | Oracle DataGuard DB Role Change with DataGuard Broker | ||
Oracle.session.limit.usage It monitors the sessions utilization. | Session Limit Usage | % | |
Oracle.inactive.sessions It monitors the inactive sessions | Inactive Sessions | Count | | It monitors the active sessions | Active Sessions | Count | |
Oracle_session_waits_perEvent Monitors the sum of "session waits" per each event and class (event for which sessions have just completed waiting or are currently waiting) | Oracle Session Waits PerEvent | S | |
Oracle_system_waits_perClass Monitor oracle system class waits (The system-level waits represent a high level summary of all session-level waits). This metric evaluated using this formula avg of waits = sum(time_waited)/sum(total_waits). | Oracle System Waits PerClass | S | |
Oracle_database_avgGlobalLockGetTime It monitors the average global lock get time (in milliseconds) | Oracle Database Average Global Lock Get Time | Milliseconds | |
Oracle_database_bufferCachehitRatio It monitors the buffer cache hit ratio. | Oracle Database Buffer Cache Hit Ratio | % | |
Oracle_database_chainedRows It monitors the count of chained rows from all available tables in oracle database | Oracle Database Chained Rows | Count | |
Oracle_database_dictionaryCacheHitRatio It monitors the Dictionary cache hit ratio | Oracle Database Dictionary Cache Hit Ratio | % | |
Oracle_database_gc_blocks_corrupt It monitors the value of the global cache blocks corrupt | Oracle Database Global Cache Blocks Corrupt | Count | |
Oracle_database_gc_blocks_lost It monitors the value of the global cache blocks lost | Oracle Database Global Cache Blocks Lost | ||
Oracle_database_gc_cr_timeouts It monitors the value of global cache consistent read timeouts. This statistic is available in older oracle versions only. | Oracle Database Global Cache Consistent Read Timeouts | ||
Oracle_database_gc_convert_timeouts It monitors the value of global cache convert timeouts, This statistic is available in older oracle versions only. | Oracle Database Global Cache Convert Timeouts | ||
Oracle_database_gc_service_utilization It monitors the value of global cache service utilization, This statistic is available in older oracle versions only. | Oracle Database Global Cache Service Utilization | % | |
Oracle_database_unUsable_index_count It monitors the count of the unusable indexes in the oracle database. | Oracle Database UnUsable Index Count | Count | |
Oracle_database_cacheFusionWrites It monitors the ratio of cache fusion writes | Oracle Database Cache Fusion Writes Ratio | % | |
Oracle_database_redoLog_contention It monitors the miss ratio for redo log latches. If the ratio of MISSES to GETS exceeds 1% then there is latch contention. | Oracle Database Redo Log Contention | % | |
oracle_database_memory_sortRatio Monitors the ratio of memory sorts | Oracle Database Memory Sort Ratio | % | |
Oracle_database_concurrentUsers Monitors the count of concurrent users | Oracle Database Concurrent Users | Count | |
Oracle_database_overallSize Monitors the oracle database size (in MB) based on data files, temp files, log files and the control files | Oracle Database Overall Size | MB | |
Oracle_database_size_withDataAndLogFiles Monitors the oracle database size (in MB) based on log and data files. | Oracle Database Size With Data And Log Files | MB | |
Oracle_database_locked_users_count Monitors the number of users suspended by locks within a timeout | Oracle Database Locked Users | Count | |
Oracle_database_resource_utilization Monitors the resource utilization for the resources: Processes, Sessions and Transactions | Oracle Database Resource Utilization | % | |
Oracle_database_pga_memory_usage Monitors the PGA memory usage (in Bytes) of the each oracle user | Oracle Database PGA Memory Usage | Bytes | |
Oracle_database_activeConnectionRatio Monitors the ratio of oracle active connections | Oracle Database Active Connection Ratio | % | |
Oracle_database_activeUsers Monitors the count of oracle active users | Oracle Database Active Users | Count | |
Oracle_database_remaining_extents Monitors the count of remaining extents for each tablespace in the oracle | Oracle Database Remaining Extents | Count | |
Oracle_database_rollbackSegments Monitors the value of a sufficient number of rollback segments. | Oracle Database Rollback Segments | ||
Oracle_database_tablespace_freeSpace Monitors the free space utilization of each tablespace in oracle. | Oracle Database Tablespace FreeSpace | % | |
Oracle_database_tablespace_status Monitors the status of each tablespace in oracle. Below are the possible values: ONLINE OFFLINE READ ONLY | Oracle Database Tablespace Status | ||
Oracle_database_tablespace_deficit_status It monitors the deficit status of each tablespace in oracle. Below are the possible values: 0 - Tablespace has deficit (i.e. available space < next extent) 1 - Tablespace has no deficit (i.e. available space > next extent)" | Oracle Database Tablespace Deficit Status | Enum Mapping | |
Oracle_database_tablespace_size It monitors the size(in MB) of the each tablespace (including temp tablespace) | Oracle Database Tablespace Size | MB | |
Oracle_database_tablespace_temp_free Monitors the free space (in Bytes) of the temp tablespace | Oracle Database Tablespace Temp Free | Bytes | |
Oracle_database_no_next_extents Monitors the count of database segments which are having no next extent | Oracle Database No Next Extents | ||
Oracle_asm_acfs_status Monitors the Oracle ASM ACFS status. | Oracle ASM ACFS Status | ||
oracle_asm_alertlog_size | Oracle ASM AlertLog Size | megabytes(MB) | |
oracle_asm_disk_status Monitors the Oracle ASM disk status. | Oracle ASM Disk Status | ||
oracle_asm_diskgroup_status Monitors the Oracle ASM disk group status. | Oracle ASM DiskGroup Status | ||
oracle_asm_diskgroup_utilization Monitors the Oracle ASM disk group space utilization. | Oracle ASM Disk Group Space Utilization | percentage(%) | |
oracle_asm_failure_groups_status Monitors the Oracle ASM failure groups status. | Oracle ASM Failure Groups Status | ||
oracle_blocking_session_count Monitors the Oracle blocking session count. | Oracle Blocking Session Count | count | |
oracle_database_alertLog_availability | Oracle Database Alert Log Availability | N/A | |
oracle_database_alertLog_readAccessibility | Oracle Database Alert Log Read Accessibility | N/A | |
oracle_database_alertLog_writeAccessibility | Oracle Database Alert Log Write Accessibility | N/A | |
oracle_database_archivegap_detection | Oracle Database Archive Gap Detection | N/A | |
oracle_database_archivelog_total_usage | Oracle Database Archive Log Total Usage | GB | |
oracle_database_archiveLogMode | Oracle Database Archive Log Mode | N/A | |
oracle_database_autotask_job_status Monitors the Oracle database auto task job status. | Oracle Database AutoTask Job Status | ||
oracle_database_backup_full Monitors the Oracle database full backup days ago. | Oracle Database Full Backup DaysAgo | Days | |
oracle_database_backup_incremental Monitors the Oracle database incremental backup days ago. | Oracle Database Incremental Backup DaysAgo | Days | |
oracle_database_backup_mode | Oracle Database Backup Mode | N/A | |
oracle_database_backup_rman Monitors the Oracle database RMAN backup days ago. | Oracle Database RMAN Backup DaysAgo | Days | |
oracle_database_backup_usermanaged Monitors the Oracle database user managed backup days ago. | Oracle Database User Managed Backup DaysAgo | Days | |
oracle_database_blockCorruption_count | Oracle Database Block Corruption Count | count | |
oracle_database_blockCorruption_type | Oracle Database Block Corruption Type | N/A | |
oracle_database_component_status | Oracle Database Component Status | N/A | |
oracle_database_daysSinceLastRestorePoint | Oracle Database Days Since Last Restore Point | Days | |
oracle_database_dbmsjobs_failure_count Monitors the Oracle database DBMS jobs failure count. | Oracle Database DBMS Jobs Failure Count | Count | |
oracle_database_flash_recovery_usage | Oracle Database Flash Recovery Usage | megabytes(MB) | |
oracle_database_flashback_log_usage | Oracle Database FlashBack Log Usage | percent | |
oracle_database_indexLogging_count | Oracle Database Index Logging Count | count | |
oracle_database_licenseOptionUsage_status | Oracle Database License Option Usage Status | N/A | |
oracle_database_listenerSID_availability | Oracle Database Listener SID Availability | N/A | |
oracle_database_lockedusers_status | Oracle Database Locked Users StatusMonitors the Oracle database locked users status. | ||
oracle_database_monitoredLicense_Usedstatus | Oracle Database Monitored License Used Status | N/A | |
oracle_database_password_expiry_Days | Oracle Database Password Expiry Days | Days | |
oracle_database_recoveryDest_size | Oracle Database RecoveryDest Size | megabytes(MB) | |
oracle_database_recoveryDest_used_percentage | Oracle Database RecoveryDest Used Percentage | percent | |
oracle_database_recoveryDest_used_size | Oracle Database RecoveryDest Used Size | megabytes(MB) | |
oracle_database_redoLog_status G2-OracleDB-Database RedoLog Status Monitor | G2-OracleDB-Database Monitoring | ||
oracle_database_required_mirror_freespace Monitors Oracle Database including different redundancy requirements (Safely usable data usage). | Oracle Database Required Mirror Free Space | megabytes(MB) | |
oracle_database_restorePoint_GuaranteeFlashback_Status | Oracle Database Restore Point Guarantee Flashback Status | N/A | |
oracle_database_safelyusable_diskspace Monitors the Oracle Database including safely usable disk space on different redundancy (Safely usable data usage). | Oracle Database Safely Usable Disk Space | megabytes(MB) | |
oracle_database_scheduler_jobs_status Monitors the Oracle database scheduler jobs status. | Oracle Database Scheduler Jobs Status | ||
oracle_database_redoLog_status G2-OracleDB-Database RedoLog Status Monitor | G2-OracleDB-Database Monitoring | ||
oracle_database_tablespace_usage_without_autoextend Monitors the Oracle database tablespace usage without autoextend. | Oracle Database Tablespace Usage Without AutoExtend | percentage(%) | |
oracle_database_tablespace_usedPercent G2-OracleDB-Database Space Usage Monitor | G2-OracleDB-Database Space Usage | percentage(%) | |
oracle_database_undoUnexpired_count | Oracle Database Undo Unexpired Count | count | |
oracle_database_users_default_password | Oracle Database Users Default Password | count | | Monitors the active sessions. | Active Sessions | Count | |
oracle.asm.archive.pct Oracle query for ASM ARCHIVE diskgroup. | Oracle ASM Archive pct | Percentage(%) | | Oracle query for ASM DATA diskgroup. | Oracle ASM Data pct | Percentage(%) | |
oracle.blocking.lock.queries Validates the number of block lock queries on a specific database. | Oracle Blocking Lock Queries | Count | |
oracle.blocking.session To monitor blocked valid sessions. | Oracle Blocking Session | Count | |
oracle.BufferCacheHitRatio.pct To monitor buffer cache hit ratio value in percentage. | Oracle BufferCacheHitRatio pct | Percentage(%) | |
oracle.cache.blocks.lost The number of global cache blocks lost over the user-defined observation period. | Cache Blocks Lost | Count | |
oracle.cache.invalidations Validates the number of cache invalidations on a specific database. | Oracle Cache Invalidations | Count | |
oracle.check.db.alive Monitors database instance connectivity. | Check Db Alive | ||
oracle.cpu.usage.per.sec The CPU usage per second by the database processes measured in hundredths of a second. | CPU Usage Per Sec | Per Second(psec) | |
oracle.cpu.usage.per.txn The amount of CPU usage per transaction for a specific task or session. | CPU Usage Per Txn | Percentage(%) | |
oracle.database.cpu.time.ratio The Database CPU Time Ratio is calculated by dividing the amount of used CPU in the database by the amount of total database time. Total database time is the time spent by the database on user-level calls . | Database CPU Time Ratio | Percentage(%) | |
oracle.database.wait.time.ratio Monitors the database wait time ratio. | Database Wait Time Ratio | Percentage(%) | |
oracle.db.instance.uptime The db instance uptime since start up. | DB Instance Uptime | Days | |
oracle.disk.sort.ratio.pct To monitor disk sort ratio value in percentage. | Oracle Disk Sort Ratio pct | Percentage(%) | |
oracle.duplicated.filename.count To check the existence of duplicated db filenames in different ASM paths. | Oracle Duplicated Filename Count | Count | |
oracle.executions.per.sec The average transactions per second | Executions Per Sec | Per Second(psec) | |
oracle.executions.per.txn The average amount of time per execution | Executions Per Txn | ||
oracle.failed.logon.count Monitors the failed logon attempts of the current user. | Failed Logon Count | Count | |
oracle.inactive.sessions Monitors the inactive sessions. | Inactive Sessions | Count | |
oracle.invalid.objects Checks for invalid objects in a database. | Invalid Objects | Count | | The total time taken to complete the I/O operations keeping the application in a blocked state. | IO Wait Time | Milli Seconds(ms) | | Monitors the free java pool memory in MB. | Java Pool Free | Mega Bytes(MB) | | Monitors the free large pool memory in MB. | Large Pool Free | Mega Bytes(MB) | |
oracle.library.cache.gets Validates the number of library cache gets by the database. | Oracle Library Cache Gets | Count | |
oracle.library.cachereloads Validates the number of library cache reloads by the database. | Library Cache Reloads | ||
oracle.librarycachehitratio.pct To monitor the library cache hit ratio value in percentage. | Oracle Library Cache Hit Ratio pct | Percentage(%) | |
oracle.logons.per.sec The number of logons per second during the sample period. | Logons Per Sec | Count | |
oracle.long.running.queries Validates the number of long running queries on a specific database. | Oracle Long Running Queries | Count | |
oracle.maxdbfilepct.usage To monitor the percentage of open oracle files. | Oracle Max DB File pct usage | Percentage(%) | |
oracle.maxopencursor.username.count To monitor maximum open cursor value for each db username. | Oracle Max Open Cursor Username Count | Count | |
oracle.process.count Monitor the current processes running in the database. | Process Count | ||
oracle.procsused.pct To monitor db process usage in percentage. | Oracle Processes Used pct | Percentage(%) | | To monitor top(20) RAC tablespace space usage where percentage > 85%. | Oracle RAC Tablespace Space Used Top 20 Greaterthan 85 | Percentage(%) | | The number of requests per second by Oracle waiting for disk space allocation for the redo log entries. | Redo Log Space Requests | Req per Sec | |
oracle.redolog.switch.count To monitor the number of redolog switch. | Oracle Redolog Switch Count | Count | |
oracle.sequence.pctused To monitor the sequence usage in percentage. | Oracle Sequence Pct Used | Percentage(%) | |
oracle.session.cpu_used Monitors the session cpu usage in seconds. | Session Cpu Used | Seconds(s) |