After scanning the patches and identifying a list of missing patches, this section will guide you through the process of viewing and managing the found missing patches. You can also take necessary action against each or bulk of missing patches from the list.
View Missing Patches at Service Provider Users
Follow the below steps to view the missing patches at SP level users and provide the Ratings:
- Login to OpsRamp Portal.
- Select the Service Provider user.
- On the Missing Patches home page, use the + Query option to filter the list of missing patches.
- To rate a single patch, click the ellipsis ( … ) icon next to the respective patch.
- To rate multiple patches, select the desired patches from the list and choose a rating option.
Action | Description |
Whitelist | Click Whitelist to add the missing patches to your whitelist rating list and to be approved automatically. |
Blacklist | Click Blacklist to blacklist the selected patches. The blacklisted rated patches will not be approved or installed further. |
Unrate | If you selected the ratings (Whitelist or Blacklist), delete these ratings by clicking on the unrate button. |
View Missing Patches at Partner/Client Users
View the list of missing patches for Partner or Client level users using one of the following options:
View Missing Patches By Patch
The BY PATCH option enables you to view the list of all the missing patches.
- Login to OpsRamp Portal.
- For Partner level users, select a Partner. For Client level users, select a Client from the list of all client.
- Go to Configuration Management > Patch Management.
- On the left side of the page, click the Menu bar icon and then Missing Patches.
- Enable the option BY PATCH to see the list of all missing patches.
- To perform an action on a single patch, click the three-dot icon as displayed below.

- To perform an action on multiple patches, select the patches from the list. The available action will be displayed on the page.
You cannot select more than 100 records at once; if you do, the message shown in the figure below will appear.

- Choose the following action and ratings you can to perform for the patches.
See below table for more details about actions and ratings.
View Missing Patches By Device
The BY DEVICE option enables you to view the list of missing patches for the devices.
- Login to OpsRamp Portal.
- For Partner level users, select a Partner. For Client level users, select a Client from the list of all client.
- Go to Configuration Management > Patch Management.
- On the left side of the page, click the Menu bar icon and then Missing Patches.
- Enable the option BY DEVICE to see the list of missing patches for the devices.
- To perform an action on a single patch, click the three-dot icon as displayed below.

- To perform an action on multiple patches, select the patches from the list. The available action will be displayed on the page.
- Choose the following action and ratings you can to perform for the patches.
Action | Description |
Approve | If you click Approve, your selected missing patches will be approved for installation. |
Unapprove | Click Unapprove to reject the selected ID/missing patches. |
Copy ID | Use this option to copy the external ID and paste. |
Install | Click Install to install the approved patches. |
Whitelist | Click Whitelist to add the missing patches to your whitelist rating list and to be approved automatically. |
Blacklist | Click Blacklist to blacklist the selected patches. The blacklisted rated patches will not be approved or installed further. |
Unrate | If you selected the ratings (Whitelist or Blacklist), delete these ratings by clicking on the unrate button. |
Use Parent Level Rating
is enabled, then parent organization ratings will be applicable for the organization and you will not have options to rate at the client level.
To enable the parent level rating, click the Menu bar and enable the USE PARENT LEVEL
is disabled, then you will have options to rate at the client level.
Missing Patch Home Page
Below are the options available on the Missing Patches home page:
- Query field: To find specific missing patches from the list, utilize the query field and include the necessary attributes.
- Refresh: Click the Refresh button to refresh this page if some of the patches are not showing up.
- Patch Scan Schedule: Click Patch Scan Schedule to schedule the scan at a certain period of time. Refer to Patch Scan Schedule for how to schedule the patch scan.
On the Missing Patches page, you will have various options for the listed patches. You can also choose one or more patches from the list to perform an action.
The following table describes the various attributes displayed on the Missing Patches page:
Attributes | Description |
External id | A unique id is used to identify the patches. |
Patch Name | Name of the patch. |
Category | Define the type of patch, whether it is an update or a new one. |
Release Date | Date and time of patch release. |
Severity | Severity of the Released patch. |
Rating | Assigned Patch Ratings as per the requirements. |
Dependency | Show the list of dependency against the resource. |
To view the Resources list related to the Patch Status, click on the Patch Name and a right side pane would pop up , click on each status to see the list of Resources:
- Missing: Shows the number of resources where this patch was not applied.
- Approved: Shows the number of resources where this patch was applied and approved.
- Installed: The number of resources where this patch has been installed.
- Failed: You can see the number of resources that have failed to install this patch.
By Patch
By Device